🎬 Fish on Death Row / NEW MUSIC VIDEO OUT / Original Content

in #music7 years ago (edited)

This is the first music video that I've done all by myself!
The video was originally conceived as a short experimental documentary about the cruelty in which fish are sold in the fish markets crammed into one another in small aquariums.
I passed this scene in my hometown oftentimes for so many years and for me it was a really painful sight, so I decided to film it and try to emphasize what they are going trough.

Somewhere in the middle of making this project, my husband Ivan (@bonvivan) made a song that fitted perfectly with the atmosphere of what I was shooting, and it shifted the way I was thinking about the project a bit.
In the editing I tried  to humanize the fish trough the song and create a feeling like they are singing the song.

I wouldn't say too much about the process except it was really sad and painful to me, and I hope that I managed to pass that feeling in the video.
It was shot in the fish markets in my hometown Pančevo and some in Belgrade (Serbia).

Color grade was done brilliantly by my friend @bitbuddha, check out his profile, he's an amazing photographer and director, and what-not :)

Here's the video, comments and opinions are welcomed! Thank you!


This is hilarious having in mind how silent the fish are! lol But it only proves that with creativity you can achieve amazing results. Loved it!

Thank you@bescouted!
I really try to emphasize the horrible way we treat other creatures and try to give them a voice.

what a brilliant project. beautifully shot and makes me feel so sad for the way we treat other creatures. the music is really haunting and it does feel like the fish are singing a sad melody. excellent grading by @bitbuddha seems like you have a great team. I would still like to hear the story as a short documentary ! Thanks for sharing

Thank you so much! I kind of gave up on the documentary but who knows!

I don't think you should give up on the documentary. It's got award winning vimeo staff pick written all over it. you can still use the music to intersperse with sync ! I'm not sure how you were planning to tell the story, but I think it's great.

Pozdrav @marinauzelac! :)
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Hvala! :)
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