Celebrating 200 Followers, Music Contest 6SBD in Prizes! / Celebruję 200 obserwujących, Konkurs Muzyczny 6SBD w nagrodach!

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hi guys!
Again I would like to celebrate another milestone in my number of followers (200! Thank u robots🤖🤖🤖😆🤣🤣) And again I would like to organize a little contest. This time I would like to bring some music onto my feed from All over the World and also to get to know how old are you guys in a sneaky way :). Also I’ve decided to go all in with my Steem dollars and will split my whooping 11.385SBD where 6SBD will go for the prizes and the remaining 5.385 will be used in order to promote this post via top resteem services from resteem.clubto get it across as far as possible. Here are the rules for participation, everybody is welcome:

  • you will first have to up-vote and resteem this post
  • In the comment section of this post, you will put a link to music track for each year that you’ve lived on this planet. In example I’m 32 so I will have to put 32 tracks
  • each track has to be released at each following year. For example I was born in 1986 so I will start from the track released in 1986 and then follow with 87,88, 89 and so on up to 2018
  • I know that’s quite a lot of work but hey, prove to others that you have brains guy, let’s do it.
  • there will be 2 winners of 2.5SBD with highest amount of up-votes gained for their comments, there will also be 1SBD prize which will be awarded by myself for the best playlist in my opinion. The prizes will be paid on Saturday 26th May
  • deadline for comment submission is 23:59GMT on Tuesday 22nd May and the voting begins from there. All votes casted before will be ignored
  • anyone found using any up-vote bots for their comments will be flagged and banned for life in any of my future contests

Witam was kochani i gorąco chciałbym zaprosić was do wspólnej zabawy organizowanej przeze mnie z okazji osiągnięcia 200 obserwujących. Tym razem chciałbym zorganizować konkurs muzyczny i sprawić aby na moim feedzie pojawiło się duuuużo fajnej muzyki z różnych lat i różnych zakątków Świata, oraz w pewien dyskretny sposób dowiem się ile macie lat :) Postanowiłem przeznaczyć na konkurs wszystkie swoje wolne SteemDolarki zatem z 11.385 jakie mam, 5.385 przeznaczę na promocję tego posta, natomiast pozostałe 6 pójdą na nagrody. Oto zasady mojej zabawy:

  • pierwszym warunkiem jest up-vote i resteem tego posta
  • w komentarzu pod tym postem każdy kto chce wziąć udział w zabawie wrzuca 1 link do utworu muzycznego za każdy rok, który sam przeżył na tej planecie. Np. Ja mam 32 lata zatem wrzucam 32 kawałki
  • każdy utwór powinien być wydany w każdym kolejnym roku. Np. ja zaczynam od utworu z 1986 bo wtedy się urodziłem i potem lecę dalej 87,88,89....itd
  • wiem, że jest to trochę roboty, ale podobno na tej platformie powinniśmy udowadniać, że mamy mózg zatem do dzieła
  • Dwóch zwycięzców z największą liczbą up-votów otrzyma po 2.5SBD, będzie również nagroda 1SBD, przyznana przeze mnie za najlepszą playlistę według mnie. Nagrody zostaną wypłacone w sobotę 26 Maja.
  • ostateczna data wstawiania komentarzy konkursowych jest 23:59 we wtorek 22 Maja, wtedy zaczynamy głosowanie. Wszystkie głosy oddane wcześniej będą nieważne.
  • ktokolwiek przyłapany na używaniu jakichś botów up-votujących komentarze zostanie oflagowany oraz ban na całe życie w jakimkolwiek konkursie organizowanym przeze mnie w przyszłości


































Done it! And it took me around 3 hours, but what a fun 3 hours I had with all these memories freshened up.


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Going on my Spotify 'coz we don't NEED video to listen to music, it's better without...isn't it?

100 % AGREE with ou on that music through quality headphones....rattle the headbone.

Sometimes the videos are OK..but mostly detract from the actual music. That's my 2 cents worth.

I aways preferred to have, and to give choices to others. Don’t like videos? Fine. You can always turn off the monitor or focus on the different tab. I think that Nowadays music videos are 99% shit, and before it was a bit better. But I also think that clips from Michael Jackson and Madonna from my playlist are in a must watch category. Just a matter of opinion. Thanks for your comment. Peace

I agree with you completely, most music video these days are just way over produced and fake or just just an excuse to show lots of barely covered women or unrealistically muscular guys all cavorting around with zero association to the music.

Who ARE all those people, I know of about from madonna onward....duckduckgo (not google) to the rescue!

lol...no google i like dat a lot.

OMG! I even know some of those artists....does that mean I'm old?

that is quite a distinct possibility...but what is OLD?

Old is NOT KNOWING WTF an Emoji is...

Age is just a digit


love all the different genres over the years, music and our taste or preferred genre change over time.
👍We'll be resteming your post over 24 hours to our network of 29,000+ followers.

bookmarked! cant miss these...great? memories from the past...but later maybe.
Resteemed & upvoted.

...Always make time for music, we need it in our lives. Great work!

so many different styles of music over the years, it will be a great history lesson...
Resteemed for free and Upvoted too!

Resteemed to over 18400 followers and 100% upvoted. Thank you for using my service!

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