Record digging in Mauretania ! Pt1 of ?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

Hi there everybody !

After Morrocco , well south is ..from Morrocan border to Mauretania , there is a 3km piece of no mans land where all kinds of illegal trading is taking place and it isnt really the safest place to be when the borders close ..
There are no roads but only trails .

The best is to follow the truck trails if it would happen that you pass there one day ..
If you get stuck , the cost that time was about 200 dollars for someone to come and pull you out .. but ofcourse TIA ''This Is Africa'' and sometimes prices can be beaten down .. We got through though !! :) ;)

Make sure you follow the trailes fit for your vehicle and dont leave the road as it could be harmful to your health ;)

So before we reached the capital city Nouakchotte (350km's before ), we had to drive across several km's of desert ,and couldnt do this without a rest at a house where i passed on a previous trip and surprise some old friends and their kids who than again invited us to their house to come and eat and rest and ofcourse dance to Mauretanian music !fresh camelmilk and rice and stew !

Mother , Father and their three kids , and My wife Sanae :)

Mother :)

This was a view taken from their house.

The following day we headed direction Nouakchotte and arrived at Auberge Shaara where i have some friends from previous travels and we stayed a couple days and visited a recordshop !

There i found my first Afrobeat record from Nigeria by Eric Akaeze !

And some Guelewar records ..

This group i later visited in Gambia , i will write all about this when the time reach ;) !They are or must be one of the BEST Psychedelic Mandingue groups from their days wich were the 70's
Check the music clip also ! down below !

I hope you like my posts and plz share and follow ! thanks alot ! i have a ton of more stories ..but motivate me ;) XXXX Bless !!!

More to come 2 morrow in pt 2 Mauretania !


nice post, thanx,
will retweet!
en kujme repliekn wok ni upstemn?super!

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