If you could see a live performance by any musician/band that ever existed...who would you see?

in #music7 years ago

Nirvana. It was my immediate response when I'd first had the question posed to me some time ago. It's the same answer I give anytime the subject comes up in conversation.


I'm typically met with a lot of the same responses. What about Hendrix? What about Pink Floyd? What about Zeppelin? What about The Doors? Believe me, I'm a big fan of Hendrix and The Doors, and I've watched a lot of recording of their live performances.

Think back to the first time you really started listening to music. Do you remember the song that first sparked a genuine interest in you? I remember riding home in the car with my dad at 12 years of age and hearing Smells Like Teen Spirit for the first time. That was the song that caused me to start listening to music more seriously. In that moment I remember thinking "wow, this is rad!" Everything good was "rad" to me at that point.

The song just had such energy. It was loud, it was raw, and it was just so cool. And as I was just starting to deal with a lot of the frustrations of being a kid, it felt like something I could relate to. Nirvana had a huge impact on a lot of the music I'd end up listening to in my high school years. Bands like Alice In Chains, Smashing Pumpkins, Local H, and a list that goes on for quite awhile.

It was pretty cool to see one of Kurt's guitars on display at the Guitar Center in LA!

Nirvana was the band that brought me into music, and also the band that influenced a lot of the music I got into during my formative years. My musical interests have certainly expanded since that time, I've gotten into pop, blues, and even electronic music. This is why, if I were given the chance, I'd want to see the band that started me on an incredible musical journey. I'd see Nirvana.

I'd be interested to know, who would you see? And why would you want to see that particular band/musician.

Thanks for taking the time to read!


Juno Reactor. Definitely. It is music that you should feel instead of hear. Live, huge speakers, the whole crowd entranced. Here's an example song. Not their best, but a good one for those unfamiliar with the band:

Dude, that's pretty cool. Were you ever into Pitchshifter?

No, please tell me about it! :D

yeah nirvana would be awesome. I was 5 when he died and I remember it .

Around 1993 I saw Nirvana at a small college concert at SUNY Buffalo. I believe they were touring for In Utero. Everyone in the audience was wasted, and everyone on stage was wasted. Through my mind's eye I see everything as a hazy blur, although I clearly remember that god-awful angel statue and Kurt smashing a guitar to shit. It was an amazing experience and I realize how lucky I was to see them. You talk about riding in the car at 12 listening to teen spirit. I was in high school at the time that came out, in Queens, NY. Most of the people I knew were into bullsh*t pop music, but I would cruise the blvd with my buddy late at night with that album blasting out the window of my '79 olds cutlass supreme. That album remains the soundtrack of my high school experience. I remember being in the computer lab at college when the news of Kurt's death came out. I was devastated. To this day I believe Courtney paid to have him murdered. I would love to see them again. Thanks for stirring up the old memories.

Kurt said that they bought the cheapest gear because they knew it wasn't going to last long. And I'm a bit jealous you got to see them!

I think I would have to vote for Elvis Presley too..not really because thats my genre of music...I actually love classic rock ..though I can listen and appreciate all kinds but he is like a legend ..and I would like to have said I seen him live. In my first year of college when I married my first husband in 1992 thats all I would play was Nirvana and Alice in Chains...when I hear any of the songs come on the radio it always takes me back to that time...I love how music can to do that. .time travel..:) :)

Elvis had a profound impact on modern music, he wasn't just talented...he was on a level most artists will never see. I travel a fair amount, and it's amazing how listening to an album can bring back memories of places I've been.

Well its hard to decide :)
I'd love to see Lennon, but I would also love to see the full pink floyd, good question :)

Oh god, yeah...seeing the Beatles...especially in their early days.

Elvis Presley!

Wait you didn't say you if you liked Pink Floyd or not ;), I would pick them for sure

Dark Side of the moon is one of my favorite albums.

Come as you are ! as you were ! as I want youuu to be ! ... I like it man I wanna see most of the best stars Kurt Cobain , MJ , and ...

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