RE: Music Today Issue #9 | A SMA Community Initiative
Thank you @edprivat I am really glad you like the songs, and yes we are alike. I never could accept and forgive the so called "First World country" mentality, and I'm so disappointed most of the time in people that don't understand the fact that "First world countries" run on the Peruvian (Incan) gold, Arabian oil, African diamonds, and Amazonian timber that were or still are getting stolen and exploited. What are today so called "Third World Countries" were before the colonization more advanced then Europe.
There is so much racism involved even today where people think that it is in the past, fascism and racism are having a silent comeback, all this because some people think highly of a white race, and misread too many ancient scripts.
I am so glad you got your amazing life and your wife down there man, it is beautiful, and as you said I also never read too much or believe mainstream or alternative news, this is why I always ask people personally
Dude we keep in touch I really enjoy chatting with you :) I will find you on discord !
Likewise man :) you can find me on discord - @ Ivan Atman#2066 -