What to do with fear?

in #music7 years ago (edited)

What to Do With Fear?

Many years ago when our kids where younger we canceled our family’s satellite TV..


So many programs on TV perpetuate fear and negativity. We didn't want to feed junk into our mind. We can still stream via the 'Net and we're not oblivious to world events. Wewatch what we want to watch. The TV doesn't draw us into fear-focused shows like the news and other similar shows.

If you let negative input into your space, it’s easy to be afraid of just about everything.

Here are a few things the news media and others say to feed people's fears.

  • The economy is slow to recover, so many people are still out of work.

  • You need to worry about your job security; you might be next.

  • About 50% of marriages end in divorce, so why bother getting married? The odds are that yours will end that same way.

  • The flu virus, if you don't get the flu shot, you will get very sick. Some of you will die. Not true, the flu vaccine has less than a 20% effectiveness.

  • Your teenage kids will get in with the wrong crowd and get involved in drugs or gangs.

  • Travel on airplanes is dangerous because of terrorism.

  • You might be shot in a shopping mall.

  • You might lose all your retirement funds in a financial meltdown.

  • You may have a heart attack or a stroke or get cancer because others in your family have had those conditions.

Those thoughts are all based on fear.

An acronym for FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.

Many of you have heard the research that more than 98% of the things we worry about every day never happen.
And, in the majority of cases, you have little or no influence on the 2% of events or situations that do occur.

This is not to say we never should be concerned about potential danger; we have an instinctive response to physical danger. We speak here of psychological fear or constant worry, which benefits no one—especially the worrier.

Fear weighs heavily on your thoughts and sucks the life out of you. It paralyzes your mind. You can become stuck in a pit of fear, unable to think or function. This also severely hinders your creative abilities.

Have you ever met an individual who was constantly fearful?

What did that do to your level of energy and the enthusiasm of the others in the room? It drained it, right?!

Everyone reading this article at some time or another feels psychological fear.
It is our response to the fear that is the key to our success.

Like success, fear is a mindset. If you are watching 24-hour news channels, it is difficult to feel free of fear.

Fear and Faith Cannot Co-exist!

In essence, FEAR is a negative goal setting and you are using the power of intention in a destructive manner.

If you worry enough about your marriage falling apart, it will. If you constantly fear your kids will get into trouble, don't be surprised when that happens. Those are self-fulfilling prophecies!

If you or someone you know is gripped by fear, what do you do? We will outline some ideas in the Action Steps, below.

  1. To purge fear, we first must be aware of the things we constantly worry about. Take a moment to make a list of them.

  2. What is feeding your fears and worries? The news, family members, friends, your belief system? Pay attention to what you are letting into your mind. Make a commitment to cut your sources of negative input.

  3. We predict some of you actually fear getting over your fear because it has become a convenient excuse for you. If you stay in fear, you have a reason for failure or lack of success.

  4. Look at the list you created for question 1. Of all those fears, how many are likely to come to pass? As the research revealed, most of our fears (98%) won’t happen. Being aware that most of what we worry about will not happen is an important step to letting go of our fears.

  5. FEAR stands for False Evidence Appearing Real.

  6. Replace your fear with faith and thoughts of success. Seek books, ezines, podcasts, friends, and other sources of input that help create and reinforce positive thoughts.

E.G. Music

  1. For some of you, the battle between fear and faith is spiritual. To overcome your fear, source what your faith teaches in this area.

  2. If you still need help to break free from fear, envision the exact opposite of each of your fears. Go somewhere quiet where you can be alone; relax and put a positive picture in your mind. For example, think of a having a successful and healthy relationship instead of a marriage breakdown or having an exciting new position instead of being without a job. Pay attention to your emotions. See how much better it feels to be in a positive state than in your worry mode.

  3. Always focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Make a list of what you want and concentrate on the list.

  4. Get started now on your Action Steps. Don’t wait a week, a day, or even an hour!

  5. Purge your FEAR. Replace it with courage and confidence!

Good luck from,

an unique Multimedia Stream that intents to provide comfortable, peaceful and enjoyable moments.

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