'Pre-Freak 2.5' - New Original Music - Updating Yesterday's Song Idea - Electronic/Instrumental + Walkthrough
I spent some more time with the idea
from the last two days, and this is the result thus far. Having added some more drums, I'm starting to think that I should just use those, and try and create something entirely different with the other instruments. Track 3 is an entirely new track, and uses a kit called 'Swan Song'. It provides a pretty heavy kick and distorted snare sound on the 4th beat of every 1st and 3rd measure. There is also another snare/clap sound, which mirrors rimshot sounds in the 606, and sounds a lot more interesting. Pretty much everything else is the same, though I did move some of the bass line around, as a couple notes came in an 1/8th beat early, and I fixed where the glides happened, moving them later in each bar, which worked better. There are a bunch of little audio clips grouped together toward the end, which are used for transitions accents. Track 16 is the last new thing, which adds a LABS piano sound, playing the line below. I don't hate this, and think maybe I'll try and use more piano if I choose to try and start with just the drums. I'll keep listening to this and see where I think it can go; I like the idea, but it still feels a little odd to me, not cohesive enough, so hopefully I can get over that hurdle in the next iteration.