Who Killed Brian Jones ? Musical Genius and Quintessential Rolling Stone !

in #music8 years ago

Peace, peace! he is not dead, he doth not sleep
He hath awakened from the dream of life
'Tis we, who lost in stormy visions, keep
With phantoms an unprofitable strife,
And in mad trance, strike with our spirit's knife
Invulnerable nothings. — We decay
Like corpses in a charnel; fear and grief
Convulse us and consume us day by day,
And cold hopes swarm like worms within our living clay.

The One remains, the many change and pass;
Heaven's light forever shines, Earth's shadows fly;
Life, like a dome of many-coloured glass,
Stains the white radiance of Eternity,
Until Death tramples it to fragments. — Die,
If thou wouldst be with that which thou dost seek!
Follow where all is fled!

Here you can hear the " poetic lament " made by Mick Jagger for his departed " friend " Brian Jones at the beginning of Memorial Concert held in Hyde Park , just three days after his death on the 2nd of July 1969.

Yes sure its beautiful and seems fitting right ? But what if this was more a cleverly cloaked confession of of guilt to more than 250000 mourners this day , for the quintessentially British musical genius and Rolling Stone which was Brian Jones!
The true Darkness of this poem is very fitting I feel ! As what if there was some big secret lie which made him feel guilt on some big soul issue which inspired him to use such a dark and tragic text? One which the public which listened could not know or ever understand as indeed they knew nothing of that which had been the true story and history of the Rolling Stones and their lives together !!

But then when you watch this video linked here and the clear character " assassination " made by all the members of the Rolling Stones on Brian, you do smell something really untoward and not quite right at all ! Of the the contempt they had for the very man that had actually in real terms created their Band when he placed an advert in a London Jazz magasine back in 1962 and naming them after a track he loved by Muddy Waters. The Rolling Stones after Brian Jones was removed went on to be arguably the most famous Rock,n Roll Blues Bands ever and most certainly the most highly paid ! I would say that they not only stole his band and dream, but most certainly his life too !

So if you have got here ) and would like to follow me further down the path where i am taking you, you really need to watch this video, made with the writer of the great book " Paint it Black " Geoffrey Giuliano. Where he clearly states with a real clarity that there was something far more secret and darker down behind the untimely or maybe for "some " more timely death or more murder of Brian Jones in that beautiful swimming pool in the back of his house ! Brian Jones was just 27 and was famously a great swimmer by all accounts !

This above video and information given completely confirms for me the things which i was told one day on a park bench in Paris while eating my baguette ham and cheese sandwich!!
This totally mind-blowing conversation with a elderly French Lady who I got to know as Susu happened in the year 1995. I met her actually at a school for Multi media studies Paris Sorbonne.
So we got talking and when I gave her my name she said " How funny, I once had a boyfriend by the same name Brian and he was English too ! " It turned out that this boyfriend was amazingly for me one of my greatest hero's of British Beat Brian Jones. She had met him before even he was so famous and was still struggling to make it as a musician. They were both very glamourous people and they spent a few happy years together in the Swinging London of the time.Here are some photos taken from these days of her with him from these early days.

Suki Poitier and Brian Jones

this is Suki on the day of Brian,s burial following behind his parents !

So naturally being interested in her story with him i begged that she tell me of her life with Brian. She was a little hesitant at first, as if it stirred something so distant and yet still painfull to her ! But i insisted that it was important to me and so one day she finally agreed to tell me over lunch the story. It turned out to be pretty wild stuff.

But once things got going with his new band the Rolling stones, things went sour between them as she saw the bad way they treated him and would constantly say " Be careful these guys who you call your friends, as they are not your friends at all !" Apparently these perpetual warnings she made on his fellow band members would make him quite angry as indeed he saw it too !
She told me of how from the very beginning of the success of the Stones, the " deadly duo " as she called them, Keith Richards and Mick Jagger, who were life long friends themselves since primary school became a negative force towards Brian. As it seemed that even if he was not the front man singer of the band. His incredible charisma and panache made him by far the most popular stone with the ladies, which apparently infuriated the deadly duo from the start. So there started this terrible secret unsaid war, where Brian would be shuffled off to the side of the stage all alone and away from the rest of the band !!
He initially was the player of the mouth organ she told me on the early recordings as indeed Brian could pick up any instrument and play it with a magistral ease. But one day Mick complained how he should be him that played it, as he was after all the singer and it would be more visually natural !! So Brian being a nice and happy chap did not feel to contest and he conceded to this So it went on like this and slowly and by stealth the deadly duo of Jagger and Richards took over the driving seat of the band from its original creator and driving force Brian Jones !
She told me how she would often over hear them at parties making cruel jokes out of Brian and making out to be some of fool. This apparently played heavily on Brian and as he became more and more estranged within his own band.He looked to an escape route through the drugs that were always easily available and ever present around him, She said it was this terrible and impossible situation inside the band which drove him to numb himself with drugs which simply added to his feeling of isolation and melancholy !! Slowly he slipped away and became a ghost of his usual boisterous and witty self.
In time things got so bad that she could no longer take it and eventually she left him but remained for the little life that remained to him a good and dearly trusted friend.
It was her that suggested that he get himself in a nursing home to try and get himself straight and back into the driving seat of the band. While he was in there he made the mistake of leaving his new " Swedish Beauty "Anita Pallenberg alone ! Mick and Keith did not miss the opportunity to " whisk " her off for a bit of " fun " and a "ride" down to Marrakesh, Morocco with them in a chauffeur driven Bentley,Suki was pretty sure that they fucked her there and back, as when Anita returned from that trip she told Brian she would leave him for Keith !!
As if that was not bad enough just a few days from him leaving hospital Keith and Mick stopped by to Brian,s house to tell him that they were taking the Stones to America and without him , as he had been raided by the police and found with Cannabis in his home.For this Brian was a not allowed to enter the USA ! This raid apparently inspired and driven by some anonymous caller to the police ! I wonder who that could have possibly been ? she said to me winking her eye !!
She had been told by Brian that during the rather heated conversation concerning Brian being kicked out of his own band, that he had said it was ridiculous and that it was his band and name, that infact he had decided to start a new line up anyway and that they were actually fired and not him and started to laugh as he saw their faces turn pale when they realised that he was the bands creator officially and legally speaking !! So then Keith had pulled a knife on him, it was Mick that had stepped in to stop Keith from doing something stupid, saying " No Keith, not like this ! "
So when just a few days later on the 2nd of July Brian was found dead in his pool the full gravity of this story hit her square in the face!! As she knew full well that Brian was a great swimmer , the reason for having such a pool in his place !! She told her friends what she thought had happened, of the threats that Keith and Mick had made ! No one believed her though of course.
But when one of her friends was brutally attacked and left with a fractured skull and left in a coma and she herself received menacing phone calls telling her to " keep her mouth shut " she fled the scene in London and returned to her native France to hide herself !! Unbelievably she still gets phone calls telling her that they knew where she was and to be reminded that she should be very careful ! She still does not know how they found her and had the knowledge of her phone number!
She said that all these theories put about, that it was the builders working on Brian,s house that killed him for some money dispute was false she said. But she did think they were used as the hired thugs for the dirty deed, but it was a much higher hand which dealt the deal, more than likely the Stones road manager/ bodyguard Tom Keylock who was a famous thug and gangster that organized the affair. As Brian was a problem as he was the creator and legal owner of the " Stones " name !
I told her that she should write this story as a book, to put this all out there, to let people know what happened, but she just seemed so afraid of what might happen if she did !! She did seem pretty afraid it was clear I could see it in her face !
She said " No, Brian,s long gone now and well soon I too will be with him, she took my hand and said lets make a silent prayer for Brian, you and I . So we did just there, hand in hand on that little park bench in the middle of screaming modern Paris we found ourselves in a rapturous moment of the strangest silence. As I write this post I think of Suki, who i think might possibly be dead as she was almost 70 when i met her, but was still a beauty i can say ! I just hope she has found Peace in this Life or that which follows it .

> So who killed Brian Jones ?

So I hope after sifting through the videos on this post and by reading my story, you too can see like me that the Death of this Angel amongst us named Brian Jones was not by misadventure,drugs or indeed accidental drowning like our media outlets suggested at the time.But more by careful, cold and premeditated murder by his so called " friends " that he had given HIS dream of rhythm and blues music when HE invited them to join HIS band that HE had named " The Rolling Stones "
Clearly these dark sorts of " Stones " had more " Sympathy for the Devil " than Brian Jones dream of music, fun and girls !
As clearly all they were ever interested in was Money, Fame and the Power it brought them over others ! Enough to Kill for !

R.I.P Lewis Brian Hopkin Jones
February 28, 1942, Cheltenham, United Kingdom
Died: July 2, 1969 in the bottom of his pool.


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Rock and Roll Mystery Who Did It? Yes Please.

Well i think this post goes a very long way to saying just that no @jacobts ?? Thanks i am glad you like this one man , some things need to be said right now eh ?? Actually all connected the past and the present, dont ya think ? Steem On the Blockchain Baby )

hey thats real cool @hilarski ) thanks for the support on my post !! Exciting you put it to Twitter ! Steem On !

Very well documented
I can tell you're a very critical fan, congratulations.

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