So here we all are... living as captives of a out of control Rogue State... A Government that I do not condone nor do I agree with.. .A Government of which the citizens have ZERO control or input ~ Except when they express personal signs of defiance with A big middle finger salute !
I can say this with authority... after many years as a Television Producer for the Whitehouse spin machine... After a very large ugly dose of twisted reality ~ Years ago ~ I left in disgust to the corruption & collusion and endless Parade of Lobbyists! As a result I unplugged & turned off & tuned out as much as the background nonstop mantra of Media Propaganda as I could !!!! I got rid of my TV, Deleted Facebook... I took years to recover... It seems up until recently most people weren't really aware of how bad and out of control Broadcast Media & Social-Media really was & is!!! I was fully immersed in all forms of media for many years and saw the darker side!!!! But I worked in the heart of the Political Sausage Factory and saw how Sausage was made... And...because of that... I will never eat Sausage again!!! My Political Advice to everyone is simple= DemEXIT & RepEXIT !!!
So... that is a little of my professional background... and somewhat explains how I paid my bills for many years and got to where I am today... But Enough about all of that!!!!
As a direct result of all my past adventures..... I am in a road...leading back to my music roots: Today, I am a little older, wiser & a little bit poorer ~ But, I still I have that strong desire to make music.
But with that said... Music Has been attacked targeted and bastardized, commercialized just as bad as main stream media !!!!
CREATIVITY has been the victim of the the all mighty dollar and the greedy Radio Profiteers, Bankers & Marketers who shaped music as a tool used to sell products... And because of that...Music has been shortened...twisted and formatted to meet the demands of Radio Air-play and Commercials & Jingles. In that same mindset ~ if Music Creativity doesn't fit into that "commercial slot" It is rejected & pushed away... And that is how it's been....
Until one band that seemed to be extremely successful and bucked the system and were enormously Profitable ... That band was the Grateful Dead... Their music was much too long for most Radio stations air play and much to the chagrin of the record companies.... the band allowed all their listeners to record all their Live events from start to finish. But even with all the sacred Business lines in the sand crossed....The Grateful Dead's Creative business model worked so well It broke all performance Records!!! And that business model is proven itself for many, many years...
So Yes.... there is a audience for "Free Form Music" and before my television career I worked in the Music Business and worked with many Artists including The Grateful Dead.
And.....Following that Creative Thread....."This is... THE OFFICIAL SITE OF THE "FREE-FORM MUSIC PROJECT"
So it's... Back to the Future all over again.!
The Lessons I learned are simple.... First: It is all about "Sound" & Depth of Tone " ~ Creating a Sound that has dimension & Weight & Shape as well as Complexity. Then formulating those sounds into a interwoven thread of Rhythm > the magic of that thread is like a Journey... that takesThe listener somewhere ~ Following an evolving musical story-line It has a beginning and middle & and an end.... That can't be told in 3.5 - 4.0 Minutes of Airplay...
and that is the road I am on.... taking the listeners on a journey of rhythm tone and space and melody !
LINK to Caravan To Midnight (© 2016 GerardAnge')
After my wild roller coaster ride in the world Satellite Television Broadcasting.... I never lost my first...strong desire for playing and performing music.... It has always been a big part of who I am as Human being!
I now want to take that Sound out....on the Road...and are
seeking the finances to secure a Tour Bus aka:"Class A ToyHauler".
Class A ToyHauler
It is a Universal Voice... that speaks for all of mankind... A cultural voice that proclaims....
That we are here.... and we are very much alive!!!
Again..... IT IS NOT ABOUT:
Making catchy jingles for advertising...or formula songs that nicely fit into radio airplay regardless what all these so called experts tell you. > Music "IS" 100% pure CREATIVITY
Free yourself... from the Shackles of Commercialism !!!! Come Join us !!!!
Welcome Aboard !!!!
Our Website:
Final thoughts……. Always Remember to Keep your Powder Dry & Shoot Low because...
They're all Riding Shetlands !!!!
Gerard Ange'