Synesthesia Review: Logic - Bobby Tarantino II
The introduction pretty much sums up how I feel about album Logic and mixtape Logic.
This is the Logic that we want 90% of the time. The other 10 % can be used to spread the message of equality and all that other shit. There's so much bars compressed into this tight run ship that further enhances Logic's push into the GOAT conversation. My money is still in MF DOOM though. Now back to Bobby Tarantino II…
Bobby flexes hard on every track and invites all he's fans to bask in he's success with him. The biggest flex comes courtesy of a voice message left to him by Sir Elton John. Congratulations! You've made it kid (sarcasm). The mixtape does have one flaw, being that Marty Randolph's annoying ass is missing. The Illuminati finally catch him or... then there's Ink Blot from Everybody that woulda been a perfect fit for this mixtape instead of the album that preceded it.
The whole mixtape is club ready and Logic knows bangers when he hears them. The instrumentals used were phenomenal. They allowed Logic to go back to basics and leave the "singing" to a minimal. The mixtape isn't long at all and that allows for very easy listening. Those who were clamoring for Young Sinatra were blessed with an entire song from that phase of he's career.
This isn't an exact return to form, but I enjoyed this a whole lot more than he's album. Here's looking forward to he's rumored last album in 2019/20.