Tribedownsouth: an atmospheric world (Review + International collab)

in #music7 years ago (edited)


Music always consists of traveling. Undertake an experience that makes us see stars, asteroids, stones, colors, dust in the cosmos. Feel the sound with the imagination.

I wanted to start this type of writing dedicating them to independent singers like Jorja Smith, Mahalia or IAMDDB. But I have decided to start with someone much closer musically, with a professional and independent sound with a great future in their move. Record this name: Tribedownsouth.

La música siempre consiste en viajar. Emprender una experiencia que nos haga ver estrellas, asteroides, piedras, colores, polvos en el cosmos. Sentir el sonido con la imaginación.
Quería empezar este tipo de escritos dedicándoselos a cantantes independientes como Jorja Smith, Mahalia o IAMDDB. Pero he decidido comenzar con alguien mucho mas cercano musicalmente, con un sonido profesional e independiente y con un gran futuro en su movida. Graba este nombre: Tribedownsouth.

A boy with a fresh and atmospheric sound

Nick is Tribedownsouth. It is something like a spatial neotrovator. His guitar and voice are a great expression of freshness and magic with a bit of nostalgia, that is difficult to find but very sensitive and beautiful to the ears.

Nick es Tribedownsouth. Es algo así como un neotrovador espacial. Su guitarra y voz son una gran expresión de frescura y magia con un poco de nostalgia, eso es difícil de encontrar pero muy sensible y guapo para los oídos.

In my opinion the best vibes of Nick is in his covers of Mac DeMarco (although as a composer he is a tireless genius). It's as if he's so close to Mac that songs like Still Beating sound like they're his own, he has the gift and the art of making his music his own. It is a brilliant mind.

A mi parecer la mejor vibra de Nick está en sus covers de Mac DeMarco (aunque como compositor es un genio incansable). Es como si él fuera tan cercano a Mac que temas como Still Beating suenan como si fueran propios, tiene el don y el arte de hacer suya cada música que ejecuta. Es una mente brillante.

In his songs there is always some poetry and above all a lot of originality, with all the influences that he may have keeps a very pure sound.

En sus temas siempre hay algo de poesía y sobre todo mucha originalidad, con todas las influencias que pueda tener mantiene un sonido muy puro.

I feel that in musical production this boy is very advanced. You can see every work in the beats he makes, the simplicity of the guitar solos he plays, the colors of his voice, every atmosphere he creates to harmonize his world.

Siento que en producción musical este chico va muy avanzado. Se nota cada trabajo en los beats que hace, la sencillez de los solos de guitarra que toca, los colores de su voz, cada atmósfera que crea para armonizar su mundo.

Nick also has Lofifriday every week. It is a section where you upload a video playing your own beat in real time. So far he has shown us what he does with his sp404, wonders with videogame samples, the infinite effects his guitar achieves when taking him on a journey through the world of imagination.

Nick tiene además cada semana el Lofifriday. Es una sección donde sube un video tocando un beat propio en tiempo real. Hasta ahora nos ha mostrado lo que hace con su sp404, maravillas con samples de videojuegos, los efectos infinitos que alcanza su guitarra al llevarla de viaje por el mundo de la imaginación.

I have talked several times with Nick about how great Joji and Mac DeMarco are, we both know that they are a great influence for the indie sound and all the boom that it is having now. However what makes a genius to Nick are his compositions as a Girl that is one of my favorites. I always see a song as a whole production, and Girl is a genius in letter, production, execution and atmosphere. Girl is lovely.

He conversado varias veces con Nick sobre lo grandes que son Joji y Mac DeMarco, ambos sabemos que son una gran influencia para el sonido indie y todo el auge que está teniendo ahora. Sin embargo lo que hace un genio a Nick son sus composiciones como Girl, que es una de mis favoritas. Siempre veo una canción como toda una producción, y Girl es una genialidad en letra, producción, ejecución y atmósfera. Girl es encantadora.

The lyrics are poetry:

These fragments of our oath fill
My eyes with light and sunders the vortex
These misfits in our choices
Devoid the mind and separates the cortex

And if this is truly what you choose to protect with your right hand,
Don't be letting go and be runnin' off to some distant land

Oh and if she is truly the girl, she'll bring some gd light to this dead world

Tribedownsouth is one of the best musicians I've ever met, I could say that of openmic or steemit but the truth is that for being so pure and original and maintaining his poetry, his music is in another universe, without underestimating any artist of this great community that surely take their art to other dimensions, about which I hope to write soon.

Tribedownsouth es uno de los mejores músicos que he conocido, podria decir que del openmic o de steemit pero la verdad es que por ser tan puro y original y mantener su poesía, su música está en otro universo, sin subestimar a ningún artista de esta gran comunidad que seguro llevan su arte a otras dimensiones, sobre los cuales espero escribir pronto.
Also recently has surprised us with another cover of Mac DeMarco, Chamber of reflection, a great song. I invite you to enjoy it.
Ademas hace poco nos ha sorprendido con otro cover de Mac DeMarco, Chamber of reflection, una gran canción. Te invito a disfrutarlo.

Lowlight Star: Our first collaboration

The truth is that I am very happy that my first musical collaboration was an international step. We are both independent musicians who are passionate about finding freshness in music, and this is just a small and first demonstration of what we can do at a distance thanks to technology.

La verdad es que me alegra mucho que mi primera colaboración musical haya sido un paso internacional. Ambos somos dos músicos independientes que les apasiona encontrar la frescura en la musica, y esto es solo una pequeña y primera demostración de lo que podemos hacer a distancia gracias a la tecnología.
Nick invited me to be part of his lofifriday and I excitedly sent him some sounds from my electric cuatro so he could do a lofi beat with my sample and his cosmic sounds. Here you can see what sounds in my Cuatro:
Nick me invitó a formar parte de su lofifriday y yo emocionado le envié unos sonidos de mi Cuatro eléctrico para que el hiciera un beat lofi con mi sample y sus sonidos cósmicos. Aquí puedes ver lo que suena en mi Cuatro:

And this has been our result:

Now I can only say that we are preparing fire for the next few days, just stay tuned ...

Music is the language we most need in these times to remain united on this planet.

Thanks @tribedownsouth for your music, my bro. I really enjoyed making this review attempt.

[The image of Nick has its source when he clicks on it, taken from one of his post]


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