Basic Bass Template - Bitwig Studio 2
I love this Software. There are so many highly modulary ways to customize your sound.
So, I love frameworks and templates and so on - you know, all those modern music-software are made to build templates. So Bitwig (specially BItwig 2) is made for building perfect bass-templates.
Currently I am working on a template for my next big official Setup. I will produce all the next few tracks with it. My goal is to have a hole set for live-perfoming with different samples of all my next songs, if yo know what I mean :P
I am focused on clean but bassy sound. So the focus is a subbass leaving place for a deep-soft- but nevertheless impulsive kick.
That means the Drum and the Bass are the main elements of that set. The sample-tracks in that template are made for sampling nice sound like lead guitar or garage-house-like synth for example.
Here you can see the sample-grid and on the buttom the Master-Compressor and -Equalizer.
This tune is close to render and release. I will show you the sound the next days. Stay tuned :D
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Hi there. I am using Bitwig as well and compose on Ableton Push. I really like that setup. If you like, you can listen to my music.