Opeth - A Choose Your Own Adventure - Musical Tour

in #music9 years ago

This band is like a 3 course meal. They have so many different sounds. People seemed to have liked the Dream Theater one I did yesterday and I promised to do another one. This band is not on the technical level of Dream Theater, but they truly do have a unique sound.

As before... you get to choose your path through this maze and this adventure of sound. Beware some parts will likely not be what you expect.

Let the adventure begin - Opeth

Opeth is a band from Sweden and has a one of a kind sound. Now is the time to begin by choosing your path.

If you want it to start out mellow and mostly acoustic go to [1]. If you want it to have a prog rock sound that almost sounds like it should fit in the 60s or 70s go to [2]. If you want it to sound like good Death Metal go to [3]. Now is that some odd differences or what?


The mellow acoustic path. The song is Coil from the album Watershed.

Studio Version:

Do you want to jump over to the prog rock path? If so go to [2]. Do you want to see what the Death Metal avenue sounds like? If so go to [3]. Would you prefer some more acoustic and mellow titles? If so go to [4].


This is the prog rock style. This is actually the latest song they have released and it is from an unreleased album. The song is Sorceress from the upcoming album Sorceress.

If you would like to hear some of the mellower acoustic titles go to [1] or [4]. If you would like the heavier Death Metal path then go to [3]. If you would like to hear some more Prog Rock influenced titles but a little heavier than this one go to [5].


This song is Deliverance from the album Deliverance. This album surprisingly enough was recorded in the studio at the same time they recorded the album Damnation which is almost completely acoustic.

Studio Version:

If you want to keep it heavy like this then go to [6]. If you want to hear something more prog rock like go to [2] or [5]. If this is way too heavy and you want to hear something mellower go to [1] or [4].


This song is called Closure and is from the album Damnation. I chose this from many choices in this style because I really like the acoustic guitar lick that is the theme behind most of this song.

Studio Version:

If you want to check out the prog rock path go to [2] or [5]. If you want to check out the death metal path go to [3] or [6]. If you want to see what happens when all of these styles collide go to [7].


This one is up tempo from the earlier prog piece. This is called The Devil's Orchard and it is from the album Heritage.

Studio Version / Official Video:

If you want to hear mellower pieces go to [1] or [4]. If you wish to hear death metal pieces go to [3] or [6]. If you want to hear what happens when you start slamming these things together go to [7].


Another death metal piece. This song is called Heir Apparent and is from the Watershed album.

Studio Version:

If you are way to nervous and need something mellow check out [1] or [4]. If you could use some prog rock instead check out [2] or [5]. The brave thing is to push forward and see what happens when all of these things collide by going onto [7].


This song is called Harlequin Forest which is from the Ghost Reveries and personally this is one of my favorite Opeth songs.

Studio Version:

Push forward brave soul the exit is in sight. You simply must stare into the Face of Melinda and you will be free to go on your merry way. Go to [8] it is mellower than this song was and quite unique.


This song is called The Face of Melinda and it is from the album Still Life. This song is great, but I saw it live in concert and it was something else there. It has a perfect build up of tension that sent chills all the way down my spine when it was finally unleashed. I thought this might be a good parting gift to you.

Studio Version:

Thank you for listening and/or watching. I hope you enjoyed it. They are a pretty unusual band.


I'm not sure whether its worth commenting on a 2 year old post, but there's not much on here regarding Opeth besides your post above.

I still want to see these guys live but they never seem to come in my area (Manchester, UK). They are most certainly an aquired taste and once you get past all that growling, there's some great melodies in the music.

Love Blackwater Park album, probably due to its connection to Steven WIlson, especially the title track and Bleak.

I saw them live once. The set they did avoided all growling vocals. That bummed me out a little bit, but it was still amazing. It turns out the venue I was at had really good sound. I will say that some of the songs live at that show sounded better than the studio version.

Face of Melinda for example.... that sent chills down my spine.

That may have been the last concert I've gone to. I don't like going out a lot these days.

How long ago was your concert? Kinda disappointing that there was no growling, maybe Mikael Åkerfeldt's voice is showing the wear and tear of years of it.

A friend of mine went to the London gig last year where Anathema were doing the support. I did'nt think to ask him if they didn't play the old stuff.

I hope this London only thing is not a sign of things to come.

They've done growling and such since that time at concerts. It was quite some time ago.

It was their tour for the album Heritage.

Out of that show Face of Melinda was the song I enjoyed the most. It sounded WAY better than the studio version.

I think the moshcam video above of The Face of Melinda is from the same concert, just not the actual instance of the concert I was at.

I had never heard of Opeth, but I'm definitely impressed. 5 and 8 were really cool, 1 was nice, and I loved the first minute and a half of 2. Really wide range in what I've heard. Thanks for the late night headphones mix :)

Glad you enjoyed it. It is truly best when you happen to show someone something new they have never heard before. Thanks for taking the time to listen to it.

I will revisit this post to listen , no time now, but they certainly resemble 70's rockers. I was doing a blog about the 60's and 70's rock ....golden era for music in my opinion...but hardly worth the time and effort for 3 cents {smile}

Hehe... they only resemble 70's rockers on some tracks. Other tracks they are full on death metal with some mellow folksy moments. Pretty unusual band. They have definitely been drifting towards that 60's and 70's rock sound on their last 3 albums including I believe the 12th they are about to release.

You never cease to amaze me good sir. As we have discussed in the past, I'm completely obsessed with Opeth. I have to say that Deliverance is by far my favorite album from them (that fucking rager of an opening track, "Wreath", just blows me away every time I listen to it, and at almost 12 minutes long! GAH!), so you're AWESOME for mentioning/featuring the title track. I hate that I can't catch them this year (they're coming to the House of Blues in my area). Grrr.... but yes, the stuff that I have heard from their new album is pretty sweet. But I still can't help but find myself wishing they could do another death metal album. But regardless of that, I'm still really digging their new-ish prog rock style, it takes me into sort of a 60's-70's type of vibe, which I think is what they were going for in that respect. Awesome job on these posts brother! \m/

Thanks Damian. Just trying to mix it up. Music posts don't usually do too well for me. I am glad to see your music posts have been doing well too. Wreath would have been a good choice. There are just so many damn good songs by them. It was really difficult to choose. I mean I really like Harlequin Forest a lot as a song, it's one of my favorites... especially the screwed up tempo stuff at the end.

Yet Ghost of Perdition is bad ass too.... I personally get into the songs where they mix Death Metal with a lot of other stuff and the weave in and out of different styles. It truly makes me think I'm sitting at a musical buffet and sampling different dishes of music.

I will say that I loved Watershed... since that album though I have liked their stuff but I haven't loved it. Live is a different story. If you go somewhere with really good sound then all of their stuff is awesome.

I had to include Face of Melinda because even though I had heard it many times... live it floored me. It didn't floor me on the studio version.... but that transition from soft to heavy was SO powerful live. My entire back was like a sheet of ice from the chills that ran up and down my spine. Good chills.

Thanks man. I always like hearing from you. Oh and you kept talking about Derek early in your posts to me. I've come to share your appreciation of him. :)

Haha hell yeah man. Well, Derek is literally the reason I'm on here, and still am. I work with him, and I can say that not a day goes by that we don't discuss all things Steemit. He has gotten me so excited about its constant growth, and its future potential, as well as all the interesting folks one meets on here (you included! :D) and hes always encouraging me to step out of my shell (I have anxiety disorders and depression and all types of shit, so usually I'm an anxious wreck haha) and go with something on here if I'm feeling inspired. Definitely good to have a friend like that.

I was skeptical of Opeth when they made the switch to their new sound. But their new albums and direction are definitely works that take a couple of listens to appreciate... Especially if you have been a longtime fan. I love the new direction they have taken now.

I am looking forward to Sorceress... that video of the Sorceress song is a trip... the visuals are almost straight out of the 60's and 70's for that too.... psychedelia.

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