my beginnings and the obstacles . mis comienzos y los obstaculossteemCreated with Sketch.

in #music7 years ago (edited)

my career as a musician originates since I was 11 years old ... I remember very well my grandmother giving me a toy piano, it was very small, as time went by I related what I listened to what I could do with the toy, my dad he saw in a couple of occasions imitate melodies that he had heard before. When he saw that he made such melodies as for example the birthday song among others, he realized that he had a musical ear and when he turned 12 I saw him enter the house with a panasonic keyboard, I remember his face his smile when he gave me that gift. since then I started to make songs, melodies at the age of 13 I played in the church, belonged to several music academies where I learned a lot from several teachers.

mi carrera como musico se origina desde que tenia 11 años.. recuerdo muy bien a mi abuela regalandome un piano de juguete, era muy pequeño, al pasar del tiempo fui relacionando lo que escuchaba con lo que podia hacer con el juguete, mi papa me vio en un par de ocaciones imitar melodias que habia escuchado antes. cuando vio que sacaba dichas melodias como por ejemplo la cancion de cumpleaños entre otras, se dio cuenta que tenia oido musical y cuando cumpli 12 años lo vi entrar a la casa con un teclado marca panasonic, recuerdo su cara su sonrisa al darme ese regalo. desde ese entonces comence a sacar canciones , melodias a los 13 años tocaba en la iglesia, perteneci a varias academias de musica donde aprendi muchisimo de varios maestros.
when I was at the beginning of high school I remember that some of my classmates made fun of me for being a young musician, they offended me with their past jokes of tone they came to bother me on several occasions, after that I entered the university and I could belong to the orchestra of the institute, I got a scholarship for several periods and started playing in big events with several bands in the area. One day I was going to a hotel with my instrument. I was already a grown boy, I was very well dressed because I had a presentation at an event in one of the most prestigious hotels in the city, and upon entering the hotel I met one of those boys who bothered me at school, he was vigilant and was at the entrance of the hotel, when he saw me, he called me by my name, his face was a mixture of shock and grief, I told him , how are you? xxxxxx? He said that it is good to see you go ahead , and he greeted me in a way that I could see that he regretted many things that came to be said.

do not hear things which can sink you into contempt. just keep going with your dreams no matter what they say about you

cuando estaba a principios de secundaria recuerdo que algunos de mis compañeros se burlaban de mi por ser un joven musico, me ofendian con sus bromas pasadas de tono llegaron a molestarme en varias ocaciones, despues de esto entrea la universidad y pude pertenecer a la orquesta del instituto, obtuve una beca por varios periodos y comence a tocar en eventos grandes con varias bandas de la zona. un dia me dirigia a un hotel con mi instrumento. ya era un chico algo crecido, iba muy bien vestido porque tenia un presentacion en un evento e uno de los hoteles de mas prestigio en la ciudad, y al entrar al hotel me he encontrado con uno de esos muchachos que me molestaba en el colegio, el era vigilante y estaba enla entrada del hotel, cuando me vio, me llamo por mi nombre, su cara era una mezla de impactado con pena, yo le dije , ¿como estas xxxxxx? el dijo, david que bueno verte pasa a delante- y me saludo de una manera la cual pude ver que se arrepentia de muchas cosas que llego a decir.

no oigas cosas las cuales pueden hundirte en desprecio. solo sigue adelante con tus sueños sin importar lo que digan de ti


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