Retro music video of the day (6th July)
Time once again for a music video from the past. It's always something special (at least, I think so).
Today, its.. Wait for it...
Wham! - I'm Your Man
Having not heard it for some time, I clicked on the video thinking it wouldn't sound too good. Surprisingly, it is still entertaining!
Thanks for looking at my post and..
... be happy!
The Smallprint (I always try to upvote any reasonable comments (i.e. those with more than a few words) with between 5% and 20% of voting power - this presently equates to about 2 cents to 8 cents depending on my voting strength. Please be patient, it can sometimes take several days before I do my upvotes. If there aren’t enough comments, I will simply upvote myself.)
Coming soon - the big one!
It will be an epic story including video, pictures and commentary of events and my own feelings as things progress.
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