Hola Steemians and welcome to another great adventure of mine!! This time I will be writing about our trip to KENINGAU!! An experience which I need to share with all of you great steemians. For all the people who don’t know where Keningau is, it is located in the Interior Division of Sabah, Malaysia. Keningau is also known as the fifth largest city in Sabah. There have been plenty of events going on around Keningau recently and one of the biggest events was the Crocker Range Festival held on the 30th of November 2017 until 3rd December 2017. I’m pretty sure they name the festival after the Crocker Range. Thus that’s why they call it Crocker Range Festival. It’s pretty obvious hahaha. HERE WE COMES KENINGAU! I receive a text message from a friend of mine who’s in band called Chugs on Deck asking me if my band and I would like to play in Keningau for the Crocker Range Festival. So, I told him, “heck I will but let me double check with my fellow band mates first”. And yes we did go to Keningau after all despites some of my band mates fell sick along the way. But it didn’t stop us to play in a new crowd. Especially the Keningau crowd. I heard before that Keningau crowd was awesome and indeed they were. They stay up until the last band finished playing their set. Much respect for Keningau peeps. The journey takes about 2 until 3 hours of driving and we were using the Tambunan route. I know, the Kimanis route is much faster compare to Tambunan route. But for me, I prefer the Tambunan route as the route is not as steep as the Kimanis route.

We arrive safely at Keningau around 2pm to 3pm on 3rd of December as the show was on the 3rd of December 2017. I couldn’t remember the exact time that we arrive at Keningau as I wasn’t paying enough attention on the watch at that time. So, we straight away go to our rest house which located further more from the Keningau city center. It was about like 15 to 20 minutes of driving to get to the rest house. Now I’ve got the rest house from the help of my dad as he was part of Sabah Parks or you guys might knew it as Taman-Taman Sabah. The rest house was perfect. There have 3 rooms, a kitchen, a shower room and a toilet. Though the facilities were not that top notch but hey, at least we have a place to stay and a bed to sleep to. It’s perfect already for us.


The clock almost strikes at 8 in the evening. So we gather our weapons of instruments and our merchandise to serve the people of Keningau. We arrive at the Padang Bandaran Keningau the venue of the event around 7 in the evening. And we have been told that we are the opening band. And as we walk up to the stage to do our set up, we find out that there was no one around the stage. All the people were around the bazaar and the thrift shops. But we don’t mind at all, as we have performed in a stage where there was no one at all hahahaha. I was checking on my guitar at that time and as I strum my guitar, boom!! There were a lot of people suddenly standing in front of the stage attracted by the sound from our band. The nervousness starts kicking in, the adrenaline rush pumps through all of my veins. And that’s it, we play our hearts out for the great people of Keningau. It was the best freaking time that I ever had! I did meet up with my old mate from College year. It sure was awesome to meet and talk to them again. Fun as hell this two dude. Acim and Wan.
Follow us Me Gusta!!

I hope you all enjoy my adventure this time around. Stay tune for another one of my adventure
Peace out from me and remember
Stay safe, Rock Out, Aim high and Steem on!!!