Why today's Music is Shit and Why Rock and Metal need to take over again!!

in #music8 years ago

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What's your dream in life?

If you're reading this and happen to give a shit about me, you know, being one of my 127 followers and countless other steemians in the 'NEW' tab, you'd be interested in getting to know exactly what I REALLY feel, think and dream about everyday. I feel like a lot of shit that | read on here is either irrelevant, hateful, unimportant, or senseless but supposed to be funny, and the ones who'd make good use of this platform get the least attention.

(I have 127 friends and I'll bet this won't even reach 10, not to mention that too to those who probably don't even care if I'm alive or dead because... Zuccc pls don't ban)

Call this a test of Steemit and it's power.

Firstly, I would never care to write something this long. It's getting ridiculous everyday, even spending a minute on it. For all cheerful things there are a lot of fake identities, false portrayal of happiness /sadness, powerless opinions and fake personalities. I think a lot of you all are spending a lot of time feeding into a lot of irrelevant/misguided information on here. Don't ever use Facebook as evidence for anything. But this isn't even about Facebook, I haven't even begun yet. I'm a musician... correction: a passionate aspiring musician who loves to play the guitar and sing, only one of the several species of like the huge bunch of our breed in this depressingly overpopulated World of OURS. THEYRE ALL TALENTED AS FUCK. They have emotion that goes into their music while creating it, and while performing it. Very much like poetry. Sometime they decorate their art, sometimes they have a special touch. A lot of people around might think all these
sound like a fairy tale but I know so many people who know exactly what I'm talking about.

If history does repeat itself, the world needs heavy metal to rise again, strike the chord amongst rebellious, free spirited and energetic young people. Give each and every fucking one of them the goosebumps we loosely labelled 'metalheads' rate so highly. THAT feeling of watching pumped up fucking artists true to their art and ready to give every last bit of their energy to the time they get on stage. Absolute. Fucking. Justice. The recognition that bassist you fucking ignored listening to your computerised BULLSHIT deserves for every hour he spent every day on trying to sound perfect (Neil). Knowing people who actually used this music as a release from everything in life, a feeling that no matter how many words said will still remain indescribable. But hey, if expensive tickets to a mass rave party in front of LaptopMan is your thing then who am I to interfere! 'w'

I TRY MY ABSOLUTE BEST TO NOT SOUND LIKE A HATER OR A DICK when it comes to music(if that's what they're calling it these days) but, let's say hypothetically that it was the other way round, EDM and such not making money in this age while this 'boring old shit' was, EDM fans would have said the same shit I am about it. I don't hope for its superiority or anything either but at LEAST equality? Feel like forcing down some Deep Purple in everyone's throats to make their neck hair stand and fall in love with the sound of instruments. Sound stupid? Yep, it's stupid good. ANYTHING that has meaning and performance of the most honest nature behind it. It sounds so sugar-coated, but there are so MANY of these, who just don't get what they deserve. it's simply beautiful, the art form. I know it's not like 'no one listens to it anymore' , but I know people be lying left right and centre, so I just suspect the number of people who've ever even actually listened to 'music', in the name of 'listening to music.’

Do you like arguments?? Sarcasm?? Burns and comebacks and comment wars??? You're in the right place!!!

Or not. I don't give a fuck, just like most people in the world in any context right now.

Seriously though, in a while I have not spent a night being so frustrated, wishful. It made me a little bit angry and when you're a Dave Mustaine worshipper, an Eminem fanatic and a hot headed metal head, you know there will come a point where you have to say what the fuck is on your mind and exactly the way it comes.

I doubt people will even read this. I KNOW though, if l DIED tomorrow you'd go to my profile and rote it. Suddenly if I'm dead everyone will CARE. if you know what incident I'm referring you you'd already get a hint of the hell the world is going to when a young college bloke who's got access to all types of social media, so called friends on Fakebook and followers on Spitter(no reason), but not ONE of them reached out to him before, nu uh ultimate fucking irony is that he killed himself while live on Social media. | feel for him now too, but you CANT SHOW your sympathy to someone who's passed. You can show it but they can't see it, or embrace it. They won't know you're sorry. We are a group, that has become too focused on our so many varied approaches to a situation, that no one even gets to the point of trying to unite and find a solution.

All these social media platforms, man, so much information. So much to read and understand and learn. What a wonderful world. Technology hallelujah (irony prequel) 1:

(150 have stopped reading)

But you're not online to read, are you. You're online to look at memes and judge me and judge him and whoever the fuck rolls up on the news feed. Relevance of content seems to be getting more and more irrelevant these days. Only persons I can have honest and ambitious conversations with about life and the world, how I feel about it are Oshin and Sagarika, and of course a few selected close friends. You know who you are. I don't think I've ever been this blunt to anyone of you though, because when I'm writing this, this is the limit of my command and authority, I'm only talking to myself and I can hear myself out so clearly, I can be as blunt as I want.

I have always loved writing my thoughts. In normal circumstances throughout my childhood; I used to jot stuff down in forms of poetry, songs or something.

I have been up all night thinking. It made me look at the world in a way that always gets me mad. The so called bright side is very dull, but they try to bring it out as much as possible. The evil is seemingly overpowering good in almost a choreographed catastrophe, and don't we know how good humans are at that, eh?

I'm told time and again as a young man that it isn't supposed to be perfect. I'm lucky I've blessed with the greatest family in the world. They don't feed into bullshit. That's why everything always becomes fine at home. Sadly though, I hear there are a lot of people who are feeding into bullshit these days and it doesn't even need to be appealing, pleasant, or even sensible. If it's something unimaginably pathetic, it's likely to become successful. Dhinchak Pooja I don't give a flying penis how much she sucks. Can't take her enough seriously to even say that name out loud. it's worse than shit, but you all made her richer than most of the Indian artists, by simply spreading the word. If only word spread that fast in the music community. What's worse is that this type of bullshit is getting more and more retarded (again, for a lack of a better word) every day, the whole point of 'media' is being rendered moot. l have the best friends, but some of you all reading this might want to re evaluate who you regard as friends. And in general understand what a goddamn friend means.

This IS mean, inappropriate, curt, and honest, but you know what, that's exactly how people ACTUALLY feel inside. No sugar coating, no subliminal remarks, no straight forward. Did you understand that? What I mean is when a feeling is genuine, and if it's a rather painful one, the person doesn't give a shit about how it sounds. That's me right now. One insignificant dude in this blue abyss of useless thoughts. I'm just here to vent though, and just uselessly shout out like a cry baby. Guilty, I'm hoping for some goddamn attention just to get a few people to think. I'm no smart guy but if you think someone you know needs to hear this then tag them. Share this. Make a teenage girl of listen to the sound of a distorted guitar and watch how she embraces it.

Man FB is just opinionporn. You can choose feminists bullshitist non Vec ans carnivores cannibals backstabbers Vegans assholes liars and cheaters, criminals perverts, potential molesters, gangsters, thieves sexual predators,and a few good people this is what you're dealing with everyday, treating it like it's the real world when you can't even identify the sexual predators from the nice guys.

Listen, or just ignore this. Don't fucking hear me if you're not going to sympathise or empathise because this is the genuine voice of more than just one hopeful individual. If it's anything it's wishful, because the way things are going, my lifelong teenage-to-grown up dream in life seems to be becoming more and more distant. Man, that hurts. I don't know why the call it straight from the 'heart'. But if you get the jist of that phrase, then the 'heart' is what it is coming straight from, through every curse word and aggressive remark I'm going to make. It might be a tad long for some of yall so fuck off if you can't fucking read and go jack off to a meme your friend tagged you in. That's what they've got you hooked on, much similar to the music(turns out it's what they call it, sounds worse than a raw programmed drum track to me) they've force fed the public. Want to taste it?

  1. 4/4 4/4 4/4 producer gets hard

2)PUT SOME TITS IN THE VIDEO producer is clearly getting extremely turned on rn


omg CATCHY effect

  1. omg mainstream rapper will 'rap'(for the record some of these mainstream 'rappers' here don't rap, shit they barely even rhyme. No compound syllable shit or nothing. Aaega toh jaaega choosegi toh thoosegi my 8 year old sister spits a better verse than that, and it'll have more heart in it because I don't have an 8 year oll sister but if I did and she wrote a verse she'd put some goddamn meaning behind it.. .)

meanwhile producer's touching himself waiting for the sound of the imaginary cashier machine *CHA CHING *

YAAY MON£££££¥¥¥¥€€€€ IMMA (go do some charity? invest in more music? Save the money in a piggie bank? Promote a passionate artist?’ naaaaah let's do some personal spending and sign an even bigger weirdo that'll get noticed even more....,!! 'artist' used to seem like an extremely respectful word to me, but now the tables have turned because Disastrous poop has more hits than I do and they're calling her an artist but not me? Not so many of us?! Who've worked and sweat and dreamed. It's not like any of the good musicians will ever complain but I'm not complaining. I'm just laying down the facts. It's not a question of egos, it's about healthy collaboration and unison of what is supposed to be the most unified community. The music community. I know goddamn well music was made to bring people's thoughts out, and people 0 different kinds together. I believe world needs that. This is pretty much the formula for paychecks in the industry right now and I'm the one who gets judged for getting high.

I think I'm losing my mind though, because it's 9 AM and I've not been able to able to stop listening to the same Testament song for the past 3 hours, and somehow we're all just expected to 'move on' and 'deal with it'?? Why? Why is art so under appreciated in this country? Better yet, in the world? It's like it's a stigma around art, hell even I'm sick of using the word. l'm saying what I feel so it might not sound very creatively crafted but fuck that shit. I'm sure there are atleast some who can relate. IF you do, | just wish, and yes 'wish' in its most superstitious form because the future looks bleak, that we HAD OR GET a voice loud enough to not just be heard, but fucking LISTENED TO. this is to the music that comes from the heart & soul and goes to the heart & soul. Music that has healed hearts and saved lives. That's right. No bullshit. Straight to the point, and with a meaning behind every lyric of every song, and every note and every beat. It's magic, it's eternal. I dream , however to see the music soar again.

This is what someone who is sick and tired of hearing nonsense like I'm trying to do something that is losing meaning and losing its spark, they say. It's old, they say, and I sometimes feel like I'm the abnormal one who's so pissed about something that no one else cares enough about. I know, I hope I got some of yall with me though. We'll be enough.

Sigh, might as well dream of something magical on this disaster of a planet. 7 AM things.

P.S : I'm foul mouthed so probably not perfect to take advice from but I do wanna say this. Be real on social media goddammit. Be what you are, live by the same principles and ideals, and most importantly, admit to what you truly feel, because when it's good there are a lot of people who'll cheer, but when the going gets tough very few of those same people reach out. I've been excited after seeing likes and comments on my videos and photos whenever I posted them but out of 2000+ friends only 75 chosen ones bothered simply clicking a button.Out of 127 Steem Followers only 5 bothered to check the post let alone upvote. That's the filter of the screen, many fall victim to it. Don't let it fool you. Peace except fuck peace.


Metal will always have its fanbase. Trends will always change

I want Metal to TAKE OVER. I abso-fucking-lately hate EDM and Pop and can't bear it anymore. Please resteem this post so it has wider reach. Thanks.

Very well written!!

Please Resteem. As I want as many people to read it as possible. It's something us Metalheads have to bring about.

Metal outrage - great! Resteemed!


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