- SAMA - Disconnected [ELEVATE]
- Gene Karz & Lesia Karz - Lullaby [Reload Black Label]
- Mirrørmask - Spherical Wavefront [Android Muziq]
- SanFranciscoBeat - Space Xx [Airsound Records]
- Dubiosity - Denying The Antecedent [Planet Rhythm]
- Fjaak & Rødhåd - Offline [Monkeytown Records]
- Renaeker - Baritone [Tauten]
- Loco & Jam - When The Sun Came Up (Arjun Vagale Remix) [Transmit Recordings]
- The Extraverse - Beam [Reload Black Label]
- Phyrgian - Signal [Refluxed Records]
- Ricardo Garduno - No Hay Seres Omnipotentes [Warm Up Recordings]
- Bastian Balders - Microburst [Arts Digital]
- Ruhbarb - Amorpha [Odd Even]
- Coyu - Life Without You [Suara]
- Zakari&Blange - Insert [ELEVATE]
- ND Flux - Them Vibes [Nightvision Records]
- Khat & Raul Mezcalanza - Pamina [Bitten]