Thicket STEEM connected Media Center (Music): Alpha 1 (Download Link Included)

in #music5 years ago (edited)

Screenshot from 20190911 191603.png

Thicket 0.1 is ready for Testing!

Check out the Screenshots below and the boring technical junk under that!

Screenshot from 20190911 191247.png

Screenshot from 20190911 191320.png

Screenshot from 20190911 191300.png

Not to shabby for a first release. Video here

What's New

  • Music Deck: The music deck is the default screen to the Music playing section of Thicket and aims to be a quick and easy way to discover new artists on the block-chain.

  • Improved Artist View: When clicking on an artist whether in the lists or under "New Artists" on the Deck you are greeted with all available tracks as well as the ability to Like, Favorite or Tip* the artist.

  • Encrypted Data File: With the inclusion of the tip option (which uses STEEM/SBD) the active key needed to be as secure as possible.

  • Tip Dialog: Allows you to choose how much and what type of currency you want to use.

  • Genre list: Created based on known music for music discovery.

  • Favorites List: Created when you favorite a track. These files wont be deleted during the cache garbage collection. (will be pinned in IPFS when using IPFS)

  • Liked List: Same as Favorites but wont be retained during sweep. Future versions will incorporate what you have liked on the STEEM network as well as those you like within Thicket.

  • Recent Played: Playlist of the 15 most recent songs.

  • There is an Icon now....

What needs to be done.

  • Better UX feedback: There are moments when files are downloading or processes are running that cause the interface to pause. Animations and dialog boxes for those that can't be mitigated need to be added.

  • Auto Update features: The same download technique used for the games can be used for the system at large. So in the future the software will be evergreen.

  • Tip Dialog is bad...need to make it un-bad.

  • Tip dialog needs to have the option to download the Music to a user accessible location.

  • Better explanation of things like OpenSeed and STEEM so that people understand why they need to connect to them to use the program and while they are separated with in the program.

  • "Bling" (do we still say bling?)

So for the adventurous, below is a link to the software as is. This zip file contains a Windows, Linux, and MacOS version of the program. I haven't been able to test the MacOS or Windows versions. This is still considered "Alpha" so though it wont cause your computer to explode, it may have issues.

Download Thicket


If your client crashes try redownloading the zip. There was a small issue with the first upload.

I currently have a proposal on the proposal system. Which you can find here along with others hoping to fund their projects. Thank you in advance for your support.


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Thanks so much for sharing this on #PYPT the other day.

I am so in love with this concept, and feel it is sorely needed!!! I can never get dSound to work for me, I have no idea why. I'm really looking forward to seeing this, and I hope your proposal gets up and you can get some funding to make it happen.

Once it is done, maybe we can get that podcast playback functionality..... 😉🙏🏽🎸

Lets hope. Though I've never been one to wait on funding to work on a project even if I have to regulate the development to my spare time It will still get done.

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Looks awesome! I've just downloaded the zip file to my mac – happy to let you know how that goes. :)

Thanks Zipporah. As I've been warning most people its the very VERY first version so there are a lot of things missing.

Unique and very interesting concept. I can see the mass adoption potential. Long road to get there, but well worth the travel.

Let's hope others see it as well.

This post has been included in the latest edition of The Steem News - a compilation of the key news stories on the Steem blockchain.

Looks neat! Saw this on #pypt, and have the client downloaded on Mac now. I'll let you know how it works!

Oh, the mac version is in the zip. I don't know what it looks like on your end.

Well, so far it's working!


Right on! Did you bypass the account creation or did you set one up? I think I found an issue where you can cancel the new account creation and just go into using it.

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Feel free to post any bugs you might run into here as well as bringing them up in discord.

I've run into one or two now that I've been focused on using the software.

  1. The search dialog has no way to like/favorite/tip the musician.
  2. The music is found and updated as needed, but there is an issue where a track will come up in "new tracks" and not show up in the artists list of music until some time later.
  3. Need to hide login stuff till the user does something that needs an account. This will allow non-steem users as well as people just trying out the software to enjoy the music without barriers.

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That’s awesome, I was just talking about the fact there should be a spotify type service on Steem.

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