Album Recommendation: Revocation - The Outer Ones

in #music6 years ago

Oh man, this band, with its discography, and all the amazing songs in it... They don't know how to make a bad record, or a bad song. I don't know if they have one mediocre song... God damn Revocation... I love them. They are maybe the best technical death/thrash metal band in existence.

Their newest album, "The Outer Ones", has more of death metal than their other albums, but still have those jazzy moments, beautiful solos, progressive, technical riffs. Production is a little muddy in comparison to previous releases which gives this album, its own identity, its their most death metal release. That's the beauty of Revocation, they never disappoint, and they always sound fresh. So I don't recommend only this album, I recommend the whole Revocation discography. This band is brilliant so, give them a chance, you won't regret it!


About this album:

Pushing both the death metal and progressive elements of their signature sound harder than ever, The Outer Ones represents Revocation at their boldest, most aggressive and most complex. "I knew that I wanted to go in a darker direction, and this is our most death metal album to date," states vocalist/guitarist Dave Davidson. "Sometimes when death metal bands go down the prog route they lose some of that edge, but we wanted to keep the aggression at the forefront of what we do while still pushing our boundaries." Moving away from the societal and historical themes that informed 2016's Great is Our Sin, this time Davidson has immersed himself in the fantastic, evoking one of the great writers of the sci-fi/horror genre. "The title is my ode to H.P. Lovecraft and the entities of pure cosmic horror that rule that universe he created. Since the new music we were writing was so evil and spacey in sections it seemed to be the right title to fit the overall vibe. But while the lyrical content is largely influenced by such writings, in every allegory there is of course some reflection of the real world, so I enjoy writing in a way that could have one overlaying meaning and then another deeper, symbolic meaning as well."

While the four members of Revocation - Davidson, guitarist Dan Gargiulio, bassist Brett Bamberger, and drummer Ash Pearson - are spread around North America without the convenience of being able to jam, this does not impinge on the creative process. If anything, this ensures that they make the most of the time spent together, and they maintained an even greater level of quality control than on The Outer Ones predecessors. "The songs came together pretty naturally, however, this album has the most revisions to riffs and song structures that we've ever had. I had a lot of material written, and had a good amount of time to work on it between tours, so I used that time to really dissect every part of each song. I might be feeling one riff one day and then the next day have some sort of revelation and would go in a totally different direction. All of those revisions definitely benefitted the final product." True to Davidson's promise that it is their most death metal release, its abrasiveness is evident on first exposure to both devout followers and those new to Revocation.


Line up:
David Davidson - Guitars / Vocals
Dan Gargiulo - Guitars / Vocals
Brett Bamberger - Bass / Vocals
Ash Pearson - Drums



Revocation - The Outer Ones / Metal Blade Records / 2018

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