Vídeo del mes _RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE -Rock am Ring 2000 full show_ / Video of the month
Que tiempos aquellos en los 90, que brincos pegábamos al son de esta gente sobretodo del tema "Killing in the Name". Eran otros tiempos, ahora todo es distinto. Os dejo el show de RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE del año 200 en el festival germano Rock am Ring. Esta tarde lo veré en el sofá y no prometo que me quede quieto igual me pongo a saltar y me cargo alguna lámpara o algo... que tiempos aquellos!
Un saludo y espero que lo disfrutéis.
What the 90's! We jumped with these people especially with the song "Killing in the Name". They were different times, now it is different. Here is the show of the band RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE, year 2000, in Rock am Ring german festival. This afternoon I'm gonna watch in my sofa and I can't promise that I stay still maybe I will jump and I will break a lamp or someting... What a good times!.
A greeting and I hope you enjoy this.
What a sound!! I watched Tom Morelo in a Audioslave concert a few years agor...and man, I cried and laugh of joy listening to the sound of his fingers doing magic on his guitar!
Never went to a RATM live concert...damn!
I 've never seen RATM nor Audioslave :(
Thanks for the comment
Ok, you've never seen RATM or Audioslave...but you still can watch Prophets of Rage!!
(I found it today after your comment....and I'm listening to it now. Wow shit, it's still possible to see Tom Morelo in action!! Ahah!!)
It is a real option!
Not for me (yet), but they come to Europe in June. You can check the next tour dates here. Good luck!!
Thanks for the info @liliana.duarte
Cojonudo video del mes!!! estos si que si!!! Come on!!!!
ouuuu yeah dude!