New music video "Altitude" by Bonnie Legion, directed by.. Me. :)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #music8 years ago

Hey everyone! I just finished working on a music video for my extremely talented musician friend, Bonnie Legion at @soundlegion .. Who I personally think should be like super famous because she is so talented. ._.

I would be very happy if you checked it out and let me know what you think! In regards to the video, it's not really anything political or controversial this time.. It's mostly just beautiful nature scenes and beautiful music! :)
All the photography is mine, except for the video of earth from outer space, that was a clip from NASA that I downloaded off the internet.

Please check it out if you get a couple free minutes and show some love for the artists involved! And.. Special thanks to Bonnie for letting me be a part of this project!


The great outdoors!!! Oh the irony... Downvote for not going to space yourself to get that photo, jk!

Awesome work man!

Lol! I probably would go up there myself if I could.. It would be terrifying.. but.. Then I could take pictures/video and show everyone what the earth really looks like! Haha.. Though.. I guess.. Then only I would really know for myself personally cause I'm sure all those conspiracy theorists would also think my footage was as fake as well as NASA's and everyone elses.

By the way.. I have been meaning to get back to our conversation on your other thread.. Just been swamped! Will respond soon cause you said some really interesting things I wanna respond to!

Thanks for the comment and the laugh!

No rush man, I have a pretty solid fascination with this site now. Not going anywhere for a while. I have some flat earth theories myself, just none that involve the earth actually being flat. More stuff along the lines of reality being a simulation.

Another upvote. Again, great atmosphere. I love music that has the ability to pull me in to its world.

Thanks for the upvote and the nice comment! And I'm glad to hear you enjoyed it. :)

Oh look, we spoke before haha! When you get a chance check out my brother's music on my page--his originals are farther down, Make a Stand and Lazy Day Blues. He's really good, even if I weren't biased I would think so. I'm recruiting him, but he has a baby due any day so it'll be a couple weeks before he can get on here.

Ah. I thought your name looked familiar! Okay.. I'm about done on the computer for a while for now, i need to take a break, but I'll write a note and check out your brother's music later!

Wow super nice video to a great song. Your photography is exceptional, and the editing to the music is timed perfectly. Much applause!

Hey. Thanks for the nice comment! It's much appreciated and I'm glad you liked the artwork! :)

Upvoted Resteemed and promoting my friend. very well done. beautiful beautiful. Huge love and support to you and eternal gratitude for your kind words and support with my art.

Thanks! It's much appreciated. Huge love and support and gratitude to you as well! :) I'm really glad we met and were able to work on some art together, and hopefully we get to make more art in the future! ._.

I am almost certain we will my friend...big ups

Great video work, nice footage!

Hey.. Thanks shieha! I appreciate it! :)

I'm looking for videos to use in a Steemit Promotional video.
Does this video belong to you? If so, would you allow use of 1-second of it in our project?
Click here for project details.

Hey.. Thanks for showing interest. To answer your questions.
Do I own it? Yes. Well. Let me explain.
I own all of the photography except for the NASA clip of earth, which I did not get flagged on YouTube for so I assume that is copyright free.
HOWEVER.. I do not at the moment have the rights to song, which I don't think you're interested in for your video anyways.. So.. yeah.. I give you permission to use a second of the video.

Can you let me know when it is done so I can check it out and share it with others? or.. How can I know? Do I have to keep checking your page or is there a release date?

By the way.. I love the idea! And I watched one of your example vids.. Good luck with your efforts! :)

Awesome, thank you! And yeah, I won't need any sound, so that's no problem. I was thinking of perhaps some butterfly footage or something similar. You've got a lot of good options in there!
I'll be posting it like crazy when it's finished. I still have a lot of footage to gather before I can produce it, but we're already making good headway.
I'll be sure that everyone who follows me will see it! :)

Word. You're welcome! Yeah, that butterfly one is pretty good.. One of my favorites. And certainly a good variety to pick from, I kinda wish I had put even more now, heh. The 1 second idea is neat.. I may try that in the future. Or something like it..
Okay.. Well.. I'm not sure how you'll make sure that everyone who follows you sees it, but.. I'll keep an eye out for it, and I subscribed to you on YouTube as well.. So.. Hopefully I see it when you release it!
Good idea in regards to helping to promote steemit with that style! I think it will do well!

Great Voice, lovely video

She does have a really amazing voice! And as I said in my OP.. I think she should be like.. Super famous. :) Hopefully some day she makes it there! Thanks for the nice comment!

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