Avoid bragging, it will take you nowhere.

Feeling proud of your accomplishments in life is normal, but nobody likes it when someone constantly tries to bring attention to themselves and their own achievements.
If you are doing something great with your time for people, they will notice you and talk good about you, (most won't and it is expected, so live with it). Feeling you have done something great is normal and also wanting to be appreciated for doing something great is human nature. We all seek to be appreciated and we should be appreciated even is it comes in featherweight.
The need to be appreciated has driven many down the egoistic and boastful path where everything about them becomes annoying and irritating to behold.
Life has huge respects for people who despite their work for humanity, are humble and will not want to toot their own horns.
Being humble and low key, doesn't mean you should lie about achieving something; for instance, if someone asked if you are a man then it's perfectly acceptable to say 'yes'. But don't constantly talk about how absolutely amazing you are as a man.
Prideful minds always never end well because, they get covered with their egoistic pursuit which ends up leaving them pursuing vane desires and targets.
You mustn't be seen as a bragger. Be humble, keep your head in the right spot and keep doing what you are cut out to do.
The accolades may not come immediately, but someone will notice you before night fall.

Expect appreciation for work done and you will take whatever comes in good fate. Do not see your work to humanity as one that will come filled with so much goodies. There are going to be multiple fails along the way even if you are seen as doing the right thing.
Jesus Christ was never appreciated during his time on earth and even now, the appreciation for his undying love is still not given. But he still gives.
Live happy doing what you love to do and the world will rally round you to give you a win in times unexpected.
nice post :)
Bragging is a very common act here in Nigeria.
Ut leads to no where. Just like you said people will see your good work and appreciate instead of bragging over it.
So many of us have lost humility.
May God help us all.
Thanks at @ejemai
Point of correction @orisfina the word Bragging is am English words and not nigeria native language. It's a natural phenomenon in human.
According to dictionary Bragging means "excessively proud and boastful talk about one's achievements or possessions."
Thanks anyway @japfive
Say No to bragging, great write up @ejemai
It's only a fool that forget his early beginning. Failure is the greatest friend to bragging because it makes one forget his origin.
@ejemai you have always been a man of humble success thanks for such words.
Bragging goes before a fall
What is the essence of bragging when we'll know that someday we gonna leave this earth to where we not gonna be aware of
Thanks for the lesson @ejemai.
Somehow I've come to discover that the empty barrel makes the loudest noise.The real people who are getting things done and hitting laudable milestones don't even loud it.
Nice one @ejemai
Bragging is forcefully claiming attention in a gathering. A full bottle makes less noise than an empty one.
This is deep sir! it is truly human nature to expect appreciation and there is such a thin line between this normal expectation of appreciation and crossing the line into pure boastfulness. May the Lord help us maintain our humility and sanity as we achieve greater feats in life IJN. Thanks for this insightful post @ejemai
This is so true. Personally, I'm turned off by people who brag about who they're not, especially when it has to do with possessions. I believe that lying about who we are or what we have is not the best way to feel better about ourselves. Instead, we can learn to be proud of who we are, work on ourselves to be better and in no time, people will have no choice but to accept us. Thank you @ejemai for sharing this