Muse Update April 16th 2018

in #muse6 years ago

Hey all you Muse project followers, it’s day one of the new sprint. That means it’s update time!

Last Sprint

On the Muse side

Development velocity was slower this sprint since we had one less team member. Johnstor (@raymonjohnstone) stepped down from his full time front end developer position. Nothing to be alarmed by. We are still in great terms and he is still one of our most active Witnesses. He is still available to give a helping hand with development when needed (and has already been doing so). We still work together just not as a 9 to 5 thing.

The crypto gods have blessed us

A few minutes after I got the news that Johnstor could no longer stay with us full time, I received a message from a guy name Dominik saying his present work mandate was wrapping up in two days and was interested in joining our efforts with Muse. I met Dominik a few years ago at my Brazilian Jiu-jitsu club, he got into crypto about a year ago and has been showing up at the local meetups I’ve been hosting since November. He is a great Front End developer, especially when it comes to the technology stack we have chosen with both Muse and PeerTracks. The learning curve will be quite short and he will most likely even be teaching us a thing or two!
Of course, it’s a bit early for me to judge since he started working with us full time this morning, but I can’t hide my excitement of having him join the team.

Alright, moving on to what was accomplished during the last sprint.

  • New features were implemented into the Rights Management Portal:
    • User registration with email verification
    • Custom error message notifications
  • Work also began on the post content form validation (quite important for a good UX for the musicians that will be uploading their metadata to Muse)
  • We've researched the possibilities of creating our own implementation of steemconnect. More on this from the PeerTracks side update.
  • We ran two Muse wallet Beta tests with non-crypto-savvy users
  • A bunch of miscellaneous internal stuff such as admin dashboard updates, new server monitoring, etc.

PeerTracks app side

  • Login to PeerTracks with Musername is almost complete. There won’t be a separate username and password for the Wallet, the RMP and PeerTracks. The entire ecosystem will work together for a good user experience.
  • Started development on a library to talk to the RMP and share data. This paves the way for future (third party) centralized platforms to adopt Muse.
  • Added captcha functionality
  • Some UI/UX updates including adding in a GUI for the audio/artist importing
  • Some random tasks such as: organizing all vendor libraries, deleting duplicate resources, refactoring some methods, etc.


Current Sprint

  • Big focus is on getting our newest team member up to speed!
  • Improvements to the UI/UX of the RMP
  • Work will continue on the post content form validation
  • PeerTracks' login with Muse mechanism will be finalized
  • Flesh out the new library to share data with the RMP
  • We will clear the existing catalog, import a few beta artists' data, and prepare to open the doors to PeerTracks beta testers

We've researched the possibilities of creating our own implementation of steemconnect. More on this from the PeerTracks side update.

Wow waiting for that.Thank you very much for the update...
Steem based dollars haven't been on peg for months, and bitUSD is also not very good at that exercise. Are you doing something to make sure Muse Dollars are worth 1 USD??

We are not. The steem dollar works perfectly for what Muse would be using them for.

Streaming platforms want to ensure that they are paying AT LEAST the mandatory minimum royalty rate. If more is paid out, fine! The musician just gets a nicer quality of life :)

Steem Dollars and Muse Dollars provide a price floor only. Not a price ceiling. All the Muse Dollar guarantee's is 1 USD WORTH of MUSE. So if you get 10 Muse Dollars for your Music. You know you can cash out and get 10 USD worth of value in the form of the MUSE cryptocurrency. If the markets are trading these Muse Dollars at 4$ each. No legal liability for the streaming platform since it effectively funnelled 4 times the amount of value it promised!

We don't care about the peg. We care about the price floor.

I see, so more is good...thank you for the reply i appreciate it 👍 @cob

Hi @cob. What is this Muse Platform? can you share a link or something. I would like to see what its all about. Thanks


Translation in french
Du côté de Muse
La vitesse de développement a été plus lente ce sprint puisque nous avions un membre de l'équipe de moins. Johnstor (@raymonjohnstone) a démissionné de son poste de développeur front-end à plein temps. Rien d'alarmant. Nous sommes toujours en bons termes et il est toujours l'un de nos Témoins les plus actifs. Il est toujours disponible pour donner un coup de main au développement en cas de besoin (et l'a déjà fait). Nous travaillons toujours ensemble, pas comme un 9 à 5.

Les dieux crypto nous ont bénis
Quelques minutes après avoir appris que Johnstor ne pouvait plus rester avec nous à temps plein, j'ai reçu un message d'un dénommé Dominik disant que son mandat actuel se terminait dans deux jours et qu'il était intéressé à se joindre à Muse. J'ai rencontré Dominik il y a quelques années dans mon club de jiu-jitsu brésilien, il s'est mis au crypto il y a environ un an et s'est présenté aux rencontres locales que j'organise depuis novembre. Il est un excellent développeur Front End, surtout en ce qui concerne la technologie que nous avons choisie avec Muse et PeerTracks. La courbe d'apprentissage sera assez courte et il sera probablement même nous enseigner une chose ou deux!
Bien sûr, c'est un peu tôt pour moi de juger depuis qu'il a commencé à travailler avec nous à temps plein ce matin, mais je ne peux pas cacher mon excitation de le voir rejoindre l'équipe.

Bon, passons à ce qui a été accompli lors du dernier sprint.

De nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été implémentées dans le portail Rights Management:
Enregistrement de l'utilisateur avec vérification par email
Notifications de message d'erreur personnalisées
Le travail a également commencé sur la validation du formulaire de contenu de poste (assez important pour un bon UX pour les musiciens qui vont télécharger leurs métadonnées à Muse)
Nous avons étudié les possibilités de créer notre propre implémentation de steemconnect. Plus d'informations à ce sujet dans la mise à jour de PeerTracks.
Nous avons couru deux tests Beta de portefeuille de Muse avec des utilisateurs non-crypto-avertis
Un tas de choses internes diverses telles que les mises à jour du tableau de bord d'administration, la surveillance du nouveau serveur, etc.
Le côté de l'application PeerTracks
Connectez-vous à PeerTracks avec Musername est presque terminé. Il n'y aura pas de nom d'utilisateur et mot de passe distinct pour le Wallet, le RMP et PeerTracks. L'ensemble de l'écosystème fonctionnera ensemble pour une bonne expérience utilisateur.
Commencé le développement sur une bibliothèque pour parler au RMP et partager des données. Cela ouvre la voie à de futures plateformes centralisées (tierces) pour adopter Muse.
Ajout de la fonctionnalité captcha
Certaines mises à jour UI / UX, y compris l'ajout d'une interface graphique pour l'importation d'audio / artiste
Quelques tâches aléatoires telles que: organiser toutes les bibliothèques de fournisseurs, supprimer des ressources en double, refactoriser certaines méthodes, etc.

cool, do it!

Wow great work update @cob

questions: do lifetime memberships on the current MUSE chain carry over to the future MUSE chain?

I.e., should I register my accounts now on the cheap or wait till the next one launches?

Muse does not have any type of memberships.
The new chain did not port over any account names or anything like that. Just stake that could be claimed with your private keys. Nothing else.

Thank you @cob
MUSE really a great platfrom

Owk these updates are really cool and it's a good thing that you thought it right to update us on trending issues concerning muse and I am happy you did. I will take the issues you addressed one after the other.

Development velocity was slower this sprint since we had one less team member.

I dint want to believe that the loss of just one team member would make the velocity if this sprint slow coz I have always known you guys to be a great team who can function independently . You guys are that good and to think that he is still with you guys but just not on the 9-6 basis is also a good thing as you guys didn't lose totally.

Dominik coming on the team is really great and to me it's a massive plus coz according to you, he is also a very good front end developer. So having Dominik join you guys full time and also having @raymonjaystone with you guys sounds like a double plus to me and this should definitely improve productivity .

New features were implemented into the Rights Management Portal:
User registration with email verification
Custom error message notifications

Now these are two very lovely updates. to think you guys didn't include this initially is amazing. Yet muse worked perfectly well before now. That means that with these updates, must is an inche Close to becoming the very best there ever will be.

We've researched the possibilities of creating our own implementation of steemconnect.

Owk this is also a very nice one. Working in conjunction with steemconnect is really cool.

We ran two Muse wallet Beta tests with non-crypto-savvy users

With this update, even those who have vowed never to have anything to do with crypto like my parents won't be left out on what muse has to offer. .dope I must say. Lolzz

Also read about the updates made in the peertracks side and I must congratulate you and your team for job well done. I can see all the efforts you guys are putting into this and you will surely reap the fruit of Ur labour.

Thanks for the update @cob. Looking good! Upvoted and resteemed!

wow great work,my dear friend @cob,The crypto gods must blessed us. Such an analytic post and nice updates about muse, thank you for sharing with us,

Muse Platform is reflecting as an effective music streaming platform and this post is reflecting the points of effectiveness and the working aspects to bring improvements, and it's really amazing news that now music will be played on Blockchain Technology and it in turn reflects the great future of Blockchain Technology. Thanks for sharing this post with us and wishing you an great day.

I've been following the muse,
I still need to learn a lot.
i will bring muse to my country .. indonesia.

I am sure, muse will be well received in indonesia.
because I see the muse growing and progressing.
investment with muse is definitely profitable.

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