The Mundane as Art, part 9: Moss And Lichen, "...Of Lichen and Moss.", photography and text by @eric-boucher.

in #mundaneart6 years ago (edited)

“…Of Lichen and Moss.”

Moss and lichen… How mundane is that?!? Well, most probably, as an adults, we have a tendency to consider them rather not meaningful, maybe even devoid of beauty worth stopping for? Many would rather fight their existence and have them disappear entirely! I personally would have to differ and, over time, have had great opportunities to even relish in their presence. Now that our friend @kus-knee has offered us another opening in the world of his Mundane Art Photo Contest, I offer you my submission to this new challenge and highly pleasurable opportunity.

@eric-boucher, "Of Lichen and Moss" Mundane Art 9.jpg

Photography by @eric-boucher, "...Of Lichen and Moss", Yoho Naitonal Park, Canada. 2016)

I still remember as a child how I would spend time laying on my back over large areas of moss, soaking in sunshine, forests scents and the harmonics of nature surrounding me. While turned on my belly, I’d be imagining the moss as forests of tiny evergreens in which a tiny world of giant insects lived among colourful bulbs, miniature flowers and leaves…

When it comes to lichen, one of the oldest living organisms on our planet, I can’t help but being fascinated by their designs, ancientness, colours and their indomitable resilience.

Since I am such a fan, I have had a few occasions to take photographs of them and find myself having a tough time choosing only one picture to post for this one. So many incredible options....

Here's a mix, quasi-perfect of 50% moss and 50% lichen, offering great diversity of colours, shapes and species... This photo was taken in the middle of the Canadian wilderness of Yoho National Park, two summers ago while having the best hiking trip of my life. Along the path leading me back to civilization, an ensemble of colours and shapes attracted my undivided attention among a forest of evergreens. While my trekking partner kept on going, I had to stop and took a few minutes contemplating the arrangements and aesthetics of this highly unusual complex of natural beauty.



Awesome. Great Photo. I love walking into a Coniferous Forest clearing here in Eastern Ontario where the granite is covered in Lichen and Moss.... I just want to lay down and read a book and take a nap. Maybe have some tea and smoke a pipe. They are Magical Magical Places. - Namaste.

Can't agree more! ;)

Thanks a lot for the kind sharing too, it emancipates our experience here all together. Awesome too!

Namaste :)

Beautiful indeed

Thanks a lot @lellabird! Namaste :)

Thanks for another great @eric-boucher photo with the added bonus of your own childhood memory and your love of nature!

Such a pleasure to be able to share the results of this contest with you all, you being the #1 reason why it is happening in the first place. Thanks again for the inspiration, I'm really glad you also enjoy the results of this work.

Namaste :)

Thanks for sharing - I feel the same way about all these minute details of the natural world, there's so much beauty to find in the details! I like imagining the colors and textures of the lichen/moss as satellite photos of an alien world - because that's essentially what they are. It's fun to transform your concept of scale when looking at those miniature worlds.

I can only agree with you and I have the feeling you have experienced it a few times yourself too?!? Thanks for your comment. Namaste :)

J'aime la photo, bien composee et contrast de couleur avec le rose. I think as photographers we may appreciate the beauty of mundane things more than the average. Perhaps we are stuck in our own heads more?? maybe we want to see every single detail of this world in order not to miss anything this beautiful world has to offer?? who knows. Peace xox

I love your comment! You help us ponder on a subject that all of us here, as photographers or people appreciating photography, can contemplate and digest much more deeply. Thank you!

Je suis content de lire que tu as su apprécier l'agencement des couleurs et des formes dans cette photo. Merci!

Namaste :)

The photo is unmatched. I did not think that moss can be so beautiful and so colorful. The colors are fantastic.

Thanks a lot for your words, they are inspiring me to keep going with photography!

I totally hear you and agree with you: Sometimes, we come across natural events that challenge the preconceptions or passed experiences making us feel as if it was a totally new event, a new phenomena. This one was really something and I couldn't help but stop and contemplate, take a few pictures hoping one would come out right... I'm really glad you enjoyed this one too.

Namaste :)

Likin' your Lichen!
Here's another kind of balance of two...KIMG1807.JPG

Beautiful ! I hope you are going to post this one in the contest as well, you'll run a good chance of being part of the winning crew while being exposed in the final collection too!

Namaste :)

I will consider entering. Thanks for the suggestion, I haven't entered any contests yet. Best of luck!

Sir how are you? This is your wonderful shot of nature. It's amazing also. This is not usually seen in our country. Thanks sir @eric-boucher for sharing.

Thanks, I am well! I had never seen such a display either and feel very blessed to have had the opportunity to take this shot. I'm glad you enjoyed, namaste :)

Haha, you got both moss and lichen into the picture. Looks great!
I have always been a fan of lichens too! There are so many different kinds, and they look so cool, and almost alien, close up!

Alien-like alright! I'm so glad you appreciated this shot, thanks for the kind words and namaste :)

Thats a great shot I really need to go out in nature this summer and just take endless pictures. We have all sorts of moss covered trees near me

To read that such photography entices one to go outside and enjoy the sublime grace of nature is the number one compliment that sinks into my heart, stays there, and gets me going even more than nature already does. Thank you so very much!

Namaste :)

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