How MTV will Destroy the World

in #mtv8 years ago (edited)

Just a brain fart here but saw MTV playing on a TV in a office I was visiting today and started to think....

On Saturday, August 1, 1981, at 12:01 a.m. Eastern a new cable channel came to be, MTV. And while many thought it was weird and a flash in the pan it's popularity exploded far past what any of the first "VJ's" every thought it would.

After many years being one of the most popular channels on cable TV the MTV folks decided in 1992 to expand and do some non-musical programming. Their first big hit was the very first TV reality show The Real World. This show was very different from most of the shows of it's time as it showed a bunch of people living together and doing "real life" activities. And while many may have thought that watching people live their day to day life would have been boring as hell, good editing and a bit of made up and real life drama made the show a smash hit. And like every show that has more then 100 viewers, everybody copied the format to death.

This started a "reality" TV war that is still ongoing to this day. With many concepts and plays on the basic theme being tried by dozens of networks over the last few decades.

So leaving the 90's behind and jumping to 2004 we have a newcomer to reality TV, Donald Trump. With lots of glitter and even more ego with a backdrop of big money his show The Apprentice makes him a household name known the world over.

Jump again to 2015 and we witness Donald Trump using this name recognition to decimate the GOP in less than a year. Without reality TV I doubt he would every have the name recognition he would have needed to run a "classic" campaign. But with ten's of millions watching him for years and believing all his scripted hype. He just had to show up and play the character again to win the worlds biggest part. Remember we had an actor in the White house before. So not very far fetched.

So how does this all play out to universal Armageddon?

Here is my hypothetical timeline....

1981: MTV Created.
1992: MTV creates the first reality show "The Real World".
2004: After many successful reality shows have aired NBC creates " The Apprentice" with Donald Trump.
2015: Using the name recognition he gained from his reality TV show, Donald Trump runs to be the GOP's Presidential candidate.

Early 2016: Donald Trump using the persona he created for reality TV decimates his fellow GOP front runners and wins the nomination.

November 2016: Donald Trump still in character wins the election after crooked, low energy Hillary Clinton loses in a landslide after details of a 7th email scandal come out 3 days before the general election.

Late March 2017: In his first international summit, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin meet in private to decide how they will divide the planet.

Mid April 2017: Photos of the meeting sent to Wikileaks and released on their website show that Vladimir Putin obviously has much larger hands than Donald Trump. Trump then goes on a 40 tweet rampage saying how every part of him is bigger than Vladimir Putin and you won't believe how America will beat Russia in the future.

April 16th 12:01 am Eastern: Russia launches "massive" (you won't believe how big) ICBM attack....
April 16th 12:45 am Eastern: Fade to black....

And that is how a cable TV upstart destroys the world.
OK this was all just for fun. But remember...
Video killed the Radio Star!



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