MSP Waves : Radio Show Reviews Contest : announcement of winners

Thank you to everyone who sent in reviews for the MSP Radio Show Reviews Contest.
In the end there 10 reviews entered from 6 different reviewers.
Not as many as I would have liked but still 10 is a nice round number.
All the reviews received a small reward as they were submitted. The remainder of the 35 SBD prize pot is now being given out to the best of the reviews.
The first prize of 6 SBD is being awarded to @phedizzle for her two excellent reviews - one of @fracasgrimm's show Chronik n Coffee and the other of Voices from the Mountains @VFMRADIO with @intuitivejakob, @lpfaust and @falseyedols :
The second prize of 4.5 SBD goes to @creativesoul for two great reviews - one of Steemit Creative with @swelker101 and @isaria, the other of The Resteem Radio Show with @ma1neevent and @poeticsnake :
Two runners up prizes each of 2 SBD go to @crazybgadventure and @staceyjean.
@crazybgadventure submitted reviews of WhatRUat with @BuckyDurddle and @doghaus, The Resteem Radio Show with @ma1neevent and @poeticsnake and Emotion Integration with @Uniwhisp :
@staceyjean submitted a review of Coffee and Philosophy with @Clayboyn :
Thank you also to @clayboyn and @furius for submitting reviews.
I would also like to thanks @r0nd0n and @globocop for supporting the contest and to MSP Waves Radio and @uniwhisp for donating the prize money.
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My Life in 8 Songs - Thursday 7 June - with @yidneth, @entrepreneur916 and @steemcafe
The Alternative Lifestyle Show - Friday 1 June 2018 [recording]
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[ header graphic by @pennsif & MSP Waves ]
Hey @pennsif, thanks for hosting this initiative! It was so generous and we were honored to receive the shoutout from our good friend, @phedizzle!
So happy she won the prize!
Congrats, Phe!!
Big 💘 from the guys @vfmradio! (Jim @lpfaust, Vince @falseyedols, and me!)
Hi, I am looking to get involved with performing in the show. How would I go about this? s
I will message you on Discord.
Yes, it was a great idea and helps us build with the audience. I was soo excited to have my show reviewed by anyone let alone the RESPECTED @phedizzle. Thanks @pennsif and those who were behind it. Much love from @chronik-n-coffee
Thank you so much for second place and also the rewards! I want to apologize for dropping the ball and not saying that sooner. <3