in #mspsteem6 years ago (edited)

Hello, Great community.Hope y'all are kicking well.

I was inspired by the WORD today and so i decided to share with you. Hope you'll like it.

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Proverb 4:7

Wisdom is the principle thing. In all your getting, get understanding.

Wisdom is a sweet smelling perfume which promotes one and brings honor once embraced.

And that is why the scripture advised;

Even when you have it all, when you think you've gotten all that you should do well to seek and get wisdom and understanding as well because it brings honor, grace and crown of Glory.

King Solomon embraced wisdom which was the key to his success. His wisdom attracted outstanding kings and queens to his kingdom.

With wisdom one gets to understand the enigma of life. It keeps one going, free from rush, struggles and vaults of life.

It makes one understand circumstances and reason for its existence,enduring hard times knowing that greater things lies ahead.

In the home, it takes wisdom and understanding for a man or woman to understand and to know how and when to react to certain situation which might lead to family crisis.

It takes wisdom and understanding to understand your partners flaws and know how to deal with it rightly.

You need wisdom to actually decide on what to be in life and steps to achieving it.

With wisdom you can create beautiful ideas and strategize several means of meeting life's demand.

Wisdom might come from various sources but the perfect and pure wisdom comes from God.

James 1:17

Every good and perfect gift is from above and cometh down from the father of light, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

So now, what do you do?
Seek God

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James 1:5
)If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God that giveth to all men liberally and upbraideth not; and shall be given to him.

Get wisdom for it is the principle thing.



Wow, great post dear, thanks for this morning inspiration, you are really doing well!

Thanks my dear. I really need more encouragement.

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