Declass Right Around The Corner, Patriots Control The Timetable - Episode 1872b
The MSM is now going after Trumps finances, Trump calls them out. UK intelligence were briefed early on. EH panicks and goes after Barr, Sol Wisenberg hits back. Trump calls out that Biden should be investigated regarding China. Justin Amash has business with China.Trey Gowdy hints of docs that American's need to see. Meadows says Declass is right around the corner. [DS] push their agenda in Iran. Trump points the finger at the military industrial complex. Patriots are controlling the timetable.
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Dave, I appreciate all you do. I watch your videos all the time. Most informative than any source I've seen. I do have some concerns that everyone around the world would like answers to. What does president Trump's plan to do about chemtrails, harrp, Tesla weather devices, the GMOs and Roundup, Dangerous 5g emf frequency mind control ai devices.. ???? Oh and seniors on limited incomes that are now having to pay for their medicare and Medicaid which comes directly out of our social security. He really needs to address these issues.