Global Elites and the MSM

in #msm7 years ago

Q Anon, Trump, Randy and Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf v Deep State for Beginners. Pt. 1

If you’re watching this video hopefully you’re on a path of being open minded about what you actually know about the World you live in. Some subscribers and viewers of this video are going to understand things on a much higher level than I am explaining them, and that’s ok. Not everybody is ready to accept everything that is about to be exposed. For everybody that knows even more of the background on these subjects feel free to share it in the comments section. If your new to me, you should probably know I’m really interactive in my comments, and I’m not a really nice person if you aren’t nice to me. You’re going to get dished what you try and serve, but at least you’ll be getting served gourmet.

If you doubt anything that is said in this video I ask you to look it up completely for yourself. Everything I’m going to discuss in this publication is backed up by factual evidence and I’m going to post those links in the description.

Take a deep breath, and let’s see if we can’t teach you a little bit more than your public education, or over paid higher education.

That isn’t an insult, I have a degree too. And the student loans to prove it.

So where do I start?

Where can I start so that I can get you to accept there’s a Rabbit Hole to journey down with me?

I think the key for me was the realization that there are actually groups of global elite people that are members of some very secretive groups.

Let’s start with the Skull and Bones secret society that recruits from within Yale University. Or are they prechosen to go to Yale because they’re already a member of Skull and Bones? It could be one or the other or even both, what matters here is that this exists and it’s more powerful than you can probably imagine, especially if this is the first time you’re hearing about it.

They have a building on or near the University where they have secret meetings and it’s been reported that they perform occult rituals and ceremonies inside, some of them of a homosexual nature.

I first came to find out about Skull and Bones in a documentary called “Dark Legacy”. Then that information was backed up in another documentary called JFK to 9/11: Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick.

So I began researching secret societies in general. Research for yourselves the Bildeburgh group and Bohemian Grove. If you do that and you’re still convinced these things don’t exist, you aren’t ready for the rest of this. For the purposes of this video I am going to stick to the Skull and Bones society briefly.

Discovering that very powerful secret societies exist began a major journey into research for me, and you can actually Google it and get a lot of things to read about them. There are also really good videos on YouTube that cover the subject of Skull and Bones, and a very disturbing video that Alex Jones grabbed of a ceremony at Bohemian Grove.

The key thing that stuck out to me about Skull and Bones is that it has had some ultra powerful and influential American government official’s that were members. John Kerry and Both Presidents Bush were members and many many more. When you see how many Presidents have actually been Bonesman you will probably have you your mind blown if your new to this.

As a side note, Bill Clinton attended Yale University but I’ve not been able to ascertain as to whether he was a Skull and Bones Member.

I highly suggest that you watch Dark Legacy and Everything is a Rich Man’s Trick because it’s going to make this part much easier to understand and therefore accept.

JFK wasn’t assassinated by Lee Harvey Oswald and those two documentaries are going to convince you of that. They’re also going to give you a really good idea as to who was responsible in the assassination and then the cover up and how it was actually pulled off. The two films combined give you a really good idea about what actually happened. The majority of people that know of the JFK assassination already believe he was killed by the government so for many of you this is just going to validate what you’ve always known.

You will also learn that a jury in the United States of America actually found that a CIA agent was involved in the conspiracy to kill the President. I bet you never heard about that though did you? How do they keep these kinds of things out of school text books, newspapers, and news stories?

The answer to both of those questions is Operation Mockingbird. Operation Mockingbird was never canceled it was only expanded beyond what you and I can probably imagine. Operation Mockingbird allowed for the insertion of covert assets into the Main Stream Media outlets or just out right buying and/or deceiving good people. It later got even more power when Congress passed a law allowing for media outlets to make up stories that never happened, even allowing them to hire crisis actors so that they could create and film whatever type of drama they wanted to.

This is the reason that you don’t see a lot of actual journalism anymore through the Main Stream Media. Even so called independent news networks are actually assets of Operation Mockingbird. They cover the stories that their bosses want them to cover. They put the spin on it that their bosses want them to.

TYT didn’t cover the rigged DNC primaries, and even fell in line with the democratic party line, but they’re independent media. I guess we know why they got that 20 million investment the summer of 2017 now don’t we?

Now the controllers of Operation Mockingbird control what stories are released, HOW long those stories are allowed to run, and what the narrative is going to be, and they try desperately to make it a two sided issue. Republican vs. Democrat. But it doesn’t stop there with the MSM they’ve infiltrated all of the network programming with their specific narratives and it reaches into movies too. It goes deep into the Entertainment industry. Steven Spielberg is just one filmmaker that has been told to change one of their movies by CIA. But lets get back to the news outlets and news cycles.

If you don’t believe me, look how long the #MeToo movement is staying in the spotlight in Mainstream Media. Now couple that with Mainstream Media’s almost complete silence regarding Trump’s Executive Order about Serious Human Right’s Abusers and Corruption, or that Trump made January Anti-Human Trafficking month. Why do you think that is? Do you think it’s because MSM is just anti-Trump and they don’t want to applaud his accomplishments? It’s being intentionally withheld and only about ten percent of it is for the reason you think. Honestly ask yourself, why hasn’t the entire #MeToo movement called for Harvey Weinstein’s arrest, and stuck with it as long as the #ReleaseTheMemo movement is?

Believe it or not the majority of news networks are all owned by three major corporations. You can research this, it’s been shown many times before. There is an incredible graphic out there that breaks it down, and an incredible banned skit from SNL that talks about it too. Why is this so important? What if those three companies have dictated control of what we’re allowed to see, hear and read daily?

They’ve all agreed to bury stories together, they have all agreed to cover stories together. They have all colluded to keep you blind from the truth. Not only that, but with that power they can actually control your reality and our social programming; with their news programming, Primetime Programming, Sweeps programming, sports programming, their station programming, their Radio programming… Do you understand they’re using this stuff to program us yet? They hide most of it in plain sight, we just don’t question it.

What if I told you that one of the most detrimental things to happen to African-American and White American relationships in the 80s was the Cosby Show? How can I say that? It opened up the doors for other black entertainers. It helped bridge the gap between white people and black people. Or did it? Tell me how the Cosby Show was an accurate reflection of what it’s like to be black in America. What it did was give white people a completely unrealistic perception of what black people were supposed to be. The Cosby’s were whitewashed and that hurt the chances of normal African-Americans in this country greatly. They couldn’t possibly live up to the expectations of the Cosby’s, hell most of America and American families can’t do it, not then, and certainly not now.

But most people judge people and races by what they learn from watching TV, or reading in MSM publications, what they hear over radio stations, and as we’re finding out now, we’re being manipulated intentionally through social media, we don’t know better because we’re too tired, too stressed out, too broke, and just running their program.

Do you need another example of it? Let’s focus on movies for just one second. When was the last time you saw a hero in the movies not break the law, or do something immoral to bring down the bad guy? Do you even notice it anymore or are you just desensitized to it now? How many times has a police officer beaten a confession out of a suspect in the movies and you were just ok with it because he was a criminal? How many times does the hero cop break the very law he’s sworn to uphold, or violated the very constitution they’ve sworn to protect to get at the bad guy?

We’ve been programmed to be ok with that, but what happens when it happens to us, or someone we know?

What do you think this programming has done to the actual Police Officers? Especially since when they go to the Academy they’re trained from day one everyone is a suspect, everyone is lying to you, and everyone wants to kill you. What does that training from their superiors unlock in their social programming? Perhaps they believe they’re the morally superior, or that they themselves are THE law. So doing things like beating a person, planting drugs, even killing is justifiable because they had to get the job done.

Don’t get me started with how African American’s and other minorities are portrayed either, especially in crime shows.

I think deep down everybody knows that they’re being manipulated through these things they just don’t know HOW. If you have accepted it enough that this is possible just research it and you’ll become convinced.

I can’t say for sure with any physical evidence, but I believe that not only is Operation Mockingbird being used against the United States and the rest of the World, but I believe it’s being used in concert with MK Ultra which is a secret program that was allegedly shutdown. It worked on mind control. Most of the people that understand the true depth of the deception know MK Ultra is still being used against everyone, and a lot worse stuff too. This has been verified by several whistle blowers that were vilified as just crazies.

Now that you know the way you, your family and your friends experience the World is being dictated by what you’re exposed to by corruption in concert with corporate media, here’s another way of seeing it.

I think we all know that Haiti is a shit hole. To the people that are aware of the corruption…. we understand that Haiti IS a shithole because of that deep government corruption, human trafficking and much more. If you don’t understand the game, you think that racist people believe Haiti is a shithole because black people are there. It’s such a simple concept so why did the Main Stream Media push so hard to put a racist spin to the comment?

Then….. why did they push it for days on end when a derailed train with Republican government officials only garnered two days of coverage? For people that aren’t understanding let me explain what happened. Trump’s first State of the Union Address happened the night before a trainful of elected Republicans and their families were in a huge train accident where no one was killed but the driver of a garbage truck that was for some reason on the tracks in the path of a Train. Leading up to the State of the Union there was a huge push of the Release The Memo movement to release a memo detailing corruption, electronic spying abuse on American citizens, and an attempt to steal the American government by Hilary Clinton, the FBI, DOJ and other players. If the entire train had derailed what do you think would have been the news story the coming memo, or all of the dead on that train? Are you starting to really get it yet?

Deny Deny Deny/Push the Spun Narrative/Change the Story…. that’s how they work once it starts breaking.

Memorize that and then watch the patterns. Deny Deny Deny/Push the Spun Narrative/Change the Story.

You know what they do when there’s a story they don’t want you to hear at all, because they can’t spin it in their favor? They just do a complete media blackout. Nobody will even talk about it. You know like Hillary Clinton keeping silent about the memo.

Heather and Randy’s case is pretty much on a complete main stream media blackout. There may have been one or two heavily skewed and completely fake articles released in the MSM, but for the most part anybody talking about it is independent or small time. Who is going to hear them?

Randy withdrew 31 million dollars from the Federal Reserve using his name and social security number. Randy did this with information that was released to millions of people, tens if not a hundred thousand transactions occurred because of the release of the information. 31 million dollars taken, tens of thousands of people scammed, two people are facing serious time, on top of that there are hundreds of thousands of people following this case and the MSM isn’t trying to sell the story to them? Not even their own bullshit narrative that their sovereign citizens? Why? Think about that. Could it possibly be that if people knew about it and researched it, they’d find out Heather’s story was true?

The Release the Memo movement was absolutely huge. It’s not fake, it hasn’t been debunked, but the corrupt politicians on both side of the aisle in D.C., didn’t want you and I to see it. That’s why they started the Russian Bot stuff. People that are truly stuck in the programming won’t pay it a second thought now, because they’re trusted news sources told them so. If you just do 15 minutes of digging you can find out what’s in those memos. You aren’t going to believe it.

Another thing that social programming is implimented to do, is to keep whistleblowers quiet. Operation Mockingbird is used to sway public opinion against whistle blowers or anyone seen as a threat to established power. Even when the majority of Americans see things completely different, the MSM pushes their narrative over and over and over, until people are absolutely sick of hearing about it. Sound familiar? Russia, Russia, Russia!!!

They discredit whistleblowers by making people believe that whistle blowers are crazy or they silence them permanently. So right away you’re automatically turned off by someone that’s considered a conspiracy theorist. You’re programmed to be repulsed and think they’re bat shit crazy and never give anything they say a second thought. Just look how people that believe in government conspiracies or extra-terrestrials are portrayed and treated in movies and television. In fact some people are immediately turned off from thinking about it themselves for fear of being thought crazy or killed. If you’re aware of the government and MSM corruption go listen to some of Charles Manson’s interviews. Monster or not, he saw through the big façade.

Guess what one of the biggest things people were called crazy for when I was growing up was. It was a place called Area 51. Anyone that believed it existed, anybody that claimed to have worked there and have information, all of them were ridiculed and considered crazy by the majority of American society or they were killed. All of these insiders considered crazy for the things they say they witnessed, and the public believed the MSM narrative.

So if you ever see a complete consensus amongst MSM outlets on something, it’s probably the complete opposite of what you have just been programmed to believe is true.

Do you understand that the Government used the MSM to cover up the existence of Area 51? To control the narrative of the Kennedy assassination and other heinous things, they have conspired to publish lies as historical facts. You probably dismiss it as being ok because it’s a top secret base, they wanted to keep it protected. I’ll give you that. But what other topics have they ruined lives over, made people think other people were crazy just to protect the secret. It’s all been hidden in plain sight.

How does the MSM treat the Extra-Terrestrial question? It’s something to be dismissed and ridiculed. Has been for decades even though you can see evidence of UFOs in paintings thousands of years old. Did you know that they actually did have UFO disclosure in the MSM in the last couple months? And prior to that just before 9/11? But for decades anyone that believed it was insane. People would say if UFOs were real there would be evidence, even though there are thousands probably hundreds of thousands of reported events that have been investigated and ignored or just covered up over the last half century and they totally disregard hundreds of whistle blowers and eyewitness accounts.

Then there is their favorite tactic, divide and conquer. They find a way to keep us divided by nationality, race, political affiliation, gender, sexual preference, religion, athletics, schooling, and even business. We’re all fighting against each other and the majority of what we’re all fighting each other for, is being siphoned off to a very small portion of the World’s population. With that wealth comes incredible power, and that power has gone unchecked for a very long time. In fact one could say that if that small percentage with incredible power united to protect what they believed was theirs they could easily control the World.

I’m going to take a brief detour here for a second, but pay attention because I’m going to tie this into what I’m discussing.

Did you know that addiction has many different facets and it manifests in many different ways. In fact there is an addiction for just about everything, even device addiction now. So I’m sure the ones we know about off the top of our heads are substance addictions, gambling addictions, work addictions, shopping addictions, gaming addictions, internet addictions, television addictions, exercise addictions, sex addictions… Now I’m not going to get into fetishes, but you can research them for yourselves. The question I want to present to you right now is this.

With all of the different addictions and fetishes there are in the World; do you think that it’s possible for a group of people to be addicted to or have fetishes for obtaining large amounts of money, power and control? Is it possible for a large group of uber powerful people to all have the same addiction and fetishes? What if you were Uber Powerful and could surround yourself with other people that held your same beliefs? Would you recruit? Churches do it all the time.

Wouldn’t these be the sam people that would do anything to obtain and maintain their addictions and keep them secret? I mean if a drug addict would rob a home to get their addiction fed, what do you think someone would do if their addiction was making millions or billions of dollars, or gaining control of large groups of people? Stop at nothing to achieve it maybe? I’m willing to bet that they’d sell their souls for it, so sending your friends and children off to war probably ain’t no thang for them. What life matters to an addict more, their loved ones or their own? So if you aren’t even a loved one of the addict how much do you think you actually matter overall?

When you stop and think about how long the families that are the Global Elite, have been using their money and politics to maintain their control and strengthen their grasp on the world, you have to ask yourself what kind of skeletons are buried in their closets. If you haven’t done any research about this you’re going to be blown away when you find out just how long the controllers have been in control.

So what does this have to do with Q Anon, Trump? Heather Ann Tucci-Jarraf and the Deep State?

Well whether you believe there is a secret society that’s controlling the world with a secret government or you don’t, there are hundreds of thousands if not millions of people that believe those that a combination of those entities if not all are working tirelessly to put an end to it.

I’m going to explain more of that in part 2. For now please check out those documentaries and fact check what I’ve told you in this video. Also do some extra research into Skull and Bones and by all means check out Bohemian Grove.

I’m going to leave links in the description to I-UV and a page that loads all of Q’s posts so that you guys can go check them out on your own. I’m also going to be putting the Twitter account of an amazing person or group of people that are putting together all of the posts from Q and putting it all into a PDF booklet.

Please keep in mind that there is a lot of misinformation out there. Some intentionally, some accidentally, and some carelessly. The only people that are really covering the Heather, Q, and Trump connection are the Uber Woke on YouTube and they’re considered crazy by the masses. That’s leaving out a large audience of sleeping people that nobody is really trying to reach.

So help me reach them. Share this shit.

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