A Call To Action

in #msm7 years ago

As the controlled-press becomes ever more intellectually dishonest and continues to march in lock-step to push narratives and manipulate the public, the most popular social media outlets are following suit with every tool at their disposal, blocking, ghost banning, demonetizing and using advanced algorithms to dominate the public discourse. The assault on freedom of speech, and the misuse of power to artificially tilt the playing field towards the Alinskyite left, has never been more blatant. It seems that those who formerly has some inkling of shame about suppressing the free exchange of ideas are now completely shameless and brazen in their stance against the first amendment; that the masks have fallen away, and they're now openly waging war against the most fundamental tenet of our Republic, knowing that they hold all the cards, with every last major cultural megaphone is squarely in their hands.

CNN, NYT, WaPo, MSNBC, ABC/CBS/NBC, all sing a singular tune, and as we all know, Fox News (with a few exceptions) is hardly better, proving its willingness time and time again to join the DC swamp-train, and provide cover for the RINO's that seek marginalization or impeachment, to restore the executive office into the hands of an individual willing to play-ball with the corrupt marionettes behind the scenes.

These are disconcerting times; it's easy to feel hopeless, even easier to feel like there's nothing you can do to prevent the Orwellian future that now seems all but inevitable.

This is an active battle for hearts and minds, and it's being waged every last moment of every day. The goal is to further marginalize all uncontrolled voices, any who represent even the slightest threat to what has been an obscenely profitable organized-crime syndicate in a DC swamp which effortlessly makes millionaires out of countless 'public servants' as if by magic, leaving paper trails (despite best efforts) of pay-to-play behavior and gov't contracts awarded to donors, trails that are only highlighted in the alternative press... you know, the 'kooks'. After all, the public is supposed to implicitly trust the smug NY 'intellectual' with the thick-rimmed glasses to tell us how to think and live, not seek additional perspectives, or dabble in critical/independent thinking. We know we should trust in their intellect and judgment because they repeatedly remind us, using their trademark pretentious tone, just how ignorant we are, and how backward our worldview is.

This is a call to action, for those that seek to play a role in restoring the foundations of our republic. There's only one antidote to the poison being mass-produced and injected daily into the eyes and ears of every American... and you're looking at it. Minds.com, Steemit, Youtube, Vid.me, Gab.ai, Newslogue, even occasionally Medium and Quora, all house writers and thinkers and content creators seeking to stem the tide of culture-destroying chaos, many of whom (myself included) have largely shelved their careers to play a more active role, recognizing what the game plan is on the other side, and just how high the stakes are. This isn't a call to support me. . far from it, and in fact I've demonetized this post. Instead, I'm urging you to right this very moment take a few minutes to think of those independent voices with whom you most resonate, open up another browser window, and support them. Donate, if possible. . if this isn't possible, perhaps send them a note of encouragement, and let them know you're listening, and appreciate their work. You'd be stunned at just what a difference this makes, and just how much of an energy-infusion those that often feel exasperated or exhausted in this David v Goliath struggle. I know because I've made a concerted effort to begin doing this myself. Instead of $50-70 a month to pay for cable which pumps almost exclusively mind-numbing swill into my home, I can give this same sum to a man like Jordan Peterson, and know that I'm making the right decision by so doing. Instead of paying $20-30 to go to the theatre to watch a manipulative product of the marxist-hive-mind, I can purchase a worthwhile product from Bill Still (still fighting the good fight on youtube, until the inevitable occurs soon, and they find a reason to silence him), knowing that I'm supporting a genuine truth-telling human being in so doing.

The other side of this culture war may have 100x the financial backing, but I'd argue that the simple truth, when stated clearly, honestly, and devoid of hatred or pettiness or nefarious ulterior motive, has 100x the traction and staying power. Individuals who have learned a sufficient number of inconvenient truths to warrant an extreme skepticism and mistrust of conventional media can't ever un-learn these truths, which makes our voices extremely powerful... they just need to be heard.

Help them be heard, and let them know you're listening. It makes much more of a difference than you might think, and it's one of those rare times in life where you can be relatively certain you're objectively and definitively doing the right thing.

A truly free and independent press is the single most important cornerstone of any nation that seeks to be healthy, happy, honest and productive and harmonious, and avoid the type cancerous corruption that spreads like wildfire in its absence.

Let's make this happen.

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