How Wonder Woman Movie is Connected to Justice League
I know, at first glance, Wonder Woman is a standalone movie that is not connected in anyway to the larger DCEU. It’s even setup during in World War I. But, a closer look at the movie and the Justice League trailers will reveal that not all is as simple as we thought.
Spoiler warning: Spoilers for Wonder Woman, Justice League trailers and the Justice League movie itself.
Wonder Woman opens with Diana Prince receiving an old photograph from Bruce Wayne of herself and her old friends when they were fighting in World War I. At the end of Batman vs Superman Wonder Woman wasn’t too thrilled about going back into man’s world and helping them. I guessed Bruce decided to remind her of the times when she did fight alongside men. It is also looks like it worked as in all of the Justice League trailers she appears to be his second in command.
In Wonder Woman we all learned that Hippolyta is not the best mom and also, she’s a liar. Considering that the Amazons are living on a hidden island, and the fact that they already have mother box in two of the trailers. It appears that humans under Ares’ control are not the only fight that the Amazons have fought against.
In fact, it seems more likely that the entire island was built not to keep the Amazons hidden from men, but to keep the mother box safe.
In the first trailer for Justice League we see what appears to be Steppenwolf landing in Themaskira, right next to a mother box. A weapon which Hippolyta didn’t show Diana in their arsenal.
This shoot from the first full trailer shows us Amazonian warriors fighting parademons. I am not sure when, but it could be in the distant past, or in the movie’s current time. Either way, I don’t think a lot of the Amazons will survive this movie, or any. We see shoots of the Amazons fighting parademons in the new Heroes trailer as well. They will be a part of the movie. Also, don’t expect a reunion between Diana and her mother, this is not that kind of movie.
Since the Amazons have a mother box, and Steppenwolf lands on their lands, I think that all of Themaskira will be destroyed. It appears that the land that Steppenwolf touches turns into fire, and that’s what will happen to paradise island as well.
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