Learning a thing or two about the world from TV/Movies (Or maybe not!)

in #movies5 years ago


To humiliate a human being (especially a child) due to your own superstition and ignorance is every bit as cruel as humiliating that person out of maliciousness.

Observation : TV shows are fantasy, and as such, are are terribly misleading source for learning about how the world around us works.

Some specific examples:


Please don't "learn" CPR by watching your favourite hospital-drama or god forbid, Baywatch. CPR on TV shows is almost always wrong. I encourage everyone to learn CPR and basic first aid, but please take a class.


Please, please don't get your ideas of how firearms and firearm safety works by watching cop shows. Guns and gun-safety don't work that way. Please learn from an experienced instructor. If you think you understand how to handle firearms because you saw it on TV, you are likely to injure or kill yourself or someone else.


A pile of circuit boards, some LEDs, and some wires are a standard trope used by Hollywood to represent the trigger of a home-made bomb. Again, that's fantasy. With enough effort, one could make a bomb trigger that way, but in reality a home-made bomb trigger is virtually always an ordinary unmodified cell-phone, or a $3 kitchen timer. Anyone smart enough to build a bomb trigger from scratch is also smart enough to just plug a set of earphones into a cell-phone and cut the ear-buds off.


We see physical fights on TV all the time where people are thrown hard into walls, or have their heads slammed to the ground, and then that person gets up and fights on. In real life, either of those actions is very, very likely to cause traumatic brain injury or death. Life isn't television... a fist or a boot to the head is very likely to resort in horrific injury. People die of a single hard punch to the head all the time.


The law and our legal system is vastly more complex, and much slower than what is shown on your favourite TV detective show. If TV shows are the basis of your understanding of the law, or your understanding of how criminal investigations work... your "understanding" isn't based in reality.


There is no such thing as loud, fiery explosions in space. :-)

Obviously, a complete list of the ways in which TV is misleading would be enormous (don't get me started on the way computer hacking is portrayed!)... but when you're enjoying your favourite TV show... please remember that it's fantasy.



we should be aware of what we keep our child watch on tv
It becomes horrible

This era of technological advancements has opened up the world (youths and kids alike) to easy access to social media (TV, internet, etc) where both the uncensored and unfiltered contents are rampant. No doubt, a few things can be learnt from TV but a vast majority of them are misleading. This is why we should not swallow everything we see on TV hook, line and sinker. I love what you wrote here:

Please don't "learn" CPR by watching your favourite hospital-drama or god forbid, Baywatch

Obviously, the real world is different from what may be depicted in movies.

Nice piece there

PS: I've seen Baywatch :)

My understanding of the legal system is based on three legally blonde movies and the musical.

I rest my case.