The Geeky Dad and Geek Guy Present the Top Movies of 2017 (Part two)

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

Earlier this week, the Geeky Guy and the Geeky Dad came together long enough to start compiling a list of their favorite movies of 2017.

They each started with their own separate lists.

Here is the criteria they used:

  1. Which movies would I tell my friends to spend their time and money on?

  2. Which movies are most likely to result in my friends thanking me for the recommendation rather than wanting to punch me in the face for wasting their time?

  3. Which movies do I want to own for my personal collection?

The Geeky Guy

A beautiful image... but still not a kids movie.

Here are the the four "R" rated movies that require the Geeky Guy to sneak into the basement so he can watch them without his kids:

4.John Wick

3.Atomic Blonde


1.Baby Driver

The Geeky Dad

The following are the the four films the Geeky Dad would watch again with his kids:

4.The Boss Baby

3.Spider-Man: Homecoming

2.Star Wars: The Last Jedi

1.Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle

The Best of Both Worlds

Here are the five movies the Geeky Guy and Geeky Dad would watch together. It doesn't matter if these movies were intended to be family friendly or not. These movies deserve repeated viewing.

5.The LEGO Batman Movie

I don't care if it is a cartoon, this movie is freaking hilarious. The writers worked in so many jokes for adult Batman fans that I couldn't stop laughing. They also made a reference to the movie Gymkata. I think it would have made my list for that reason alone. The animation is spectacular. The voices are all perfect. The story has a little bit of heart. You don't need a child with you to enjoy this one.

4.Hidden Figures

I have seen the movie six times and I would watch it again right now. Three women show the world the importance of not making judgements based on ignorance. Oh they also happen to help the U.S. astronauts get to the moon. And that is it. Nothing else happens. And it is incredible. The story is compelling. The acting is perfect. The message is deep. This movie should probably be number one on my list for one simple reason: it provided me with one of my most memorable movie going experiences ever.

At one point in the movie, my ten year old daughter (who happens to be very good at math) said something unforgettable to me. When Katherine Johnson is setting a man straight about assuming she were less because she were African American or a woman, my daughter leaned over to me and said, "I wear glasses just like her". My daughter connected deeply not because she shares her race or gender, but because she shares her love of math... and poor eyesight.

That is how I want my daughter to see the world. Look at a person and find how you are similar. Too many people look for the differences.

3.Guardians of the Galaxy vol. 2

Here's another one that would have been number one in many years. When I sat down in the theater to watch this film, I was not expecting it to be as good as the original (which I think is the second best comic book movie ever). I was merely hoping for an engrossing story filled with fun, action, and humor; while still maintaining its soul. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 delivered in each of those areas. This movie is just pure fun.


My daughter took me to see this again over winter break. Thank you MJ!

Wonder is based on one of my favorite books of the same name. I was expecting to be disappointed by the film. I was so wrong. Instead of a hollowed out version of the book, they created the perfect companion piece to the novel. Although the movie did not include every detail of the book, it had enough that it felt like a complete story. And the story is beautiful. It is a fairy tale filled with heroes. The movie has the perfect balance of humor and emotion. In addition, the director did a great job of taking advantage of the visual medium in order to show us a little bit more of Augie's imagination.

But the highlight of the movie is Augie's sister Via. She was my favorite character in any movie this year. Here's what I wrote in my review of Wonder.

After the scene portraying what Via does for her little brother on Halloween, she became one of my favorite characters of all time. If the writers' goal was to show the epitome of compassion, love, selflessness, and friendship, they should pat themselves on the back for a job well done. I will never forget that 120 seconds of movie magic. It was... amazing!

1.Thor: Ragnarok

I have to admit I'm a complete sap so movies like Hidden Figures and Wonder really hit home this year. But I am also a geek who loves to have fun.

Thor: Ragnarok is the most fun-filled comic book movie I have ever seen. The Dark Knight and Guardians of the Galaxy are both better movies... but they are not more fun thanThor: Ragnarok. That is because nothing is. I was either laughing or enthralled by incredible action sequences every second I was in the theater.

This film harkened back to the buddy cop action comedies of the 1980s... but with a Hulk and a god as the buddies. This will be one of those movies that I leave on any time it comes on cable for the rest of my life. I honestly don't think I will ever get bored of it.

If you pinned me down and forced me to name a best picture of 2017... I would disappoint you because I wouldn't do it.

Instead, I would take the easy way out and let each half of my split personality pick their own favorite movie.

If you see only one movie from 2017...

The Geeky Dad says you should see Thor: Ragnarok.

The Geeky Guy says you should go with Baby Driver.

Both agree 2017 was a great year for movies!

Images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5


Have you see the movie " Life is beautiful" , I have watched it over 100 times and everytime I watch, I become emotional. What a movie it is!
Wonder also captivated me a lot. Other movies you have listed out here, I am gonna watch them for sure.

"Life is Beautiful" is one of my favorite movies of all time. I think it iOS a wonderful fairytale about a father's unstoppable love for his son.

Dude, you should change your account name to The Geeky Guy.

It's already written all over my face. I might as well lol.

very good information, thanks you for sharing this with us

Nice reviews! I've seen almost all of them and they were all great! I loved GOTG. I still haven't seen Wonder because I know that I will be under attack by an endless horde of onion-slicing ninjas, and the attack would be of insurmountable proportions that I would need to punch kittens when I step out of the theater to regain my masculinity.

I'll just wait for the DVD and have a towel ready LOL.

LOL. You are dead on. And very kind of you to spare all of those kittens.

I will follow your recommendations but will watch the other movies because these are absolutely amazingly done especially the PIXAR animations which never ceases to amaze me.
We are just lucky to benefit the computer enriched motion pictures which quite enhances our way of living. @hanshotfirst

John Wick was a great movie. Keanu Reeves is actually a really good shooter in real life as well.

I did not know that.

Awesome post and i love most of the movies you picked out. Baby driver is a favourite
This movie really got me in the first two scenes. The first one is a car chase set to “Bellbottoms” by the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion. The other is a tracking shot of main character Baby going out to get coffee while listening to some sweet jams.
What separates Baby Driver from all the other films that has tackled romances conflicted crime by is the way Wright has fashioned a captivating showcase of cinematic wizardry.

From its first frame to the last, it never lets go of an escalating pulse that gives it such an affecting exuberance. It doesn’t matter that one knows where the story is getting it since Wright has made the journey such a delightful ride. This is a film where rhythm isn’t a mere concept. Music is vital and does not only function as a backdrop for the action but as the action itself, the driving force for all the emotions and thrills the film strives for.
For me what drives the movie is the music and soundtrack. I actually bought the playlist right after I saw the movie. I have seen the movie 18 times since August 2017

If you are going to watch something 18 times, can't go wrong with this one.

I remember watching True Romance over and over when it was first released.

thata great. agree with you.

I loved baby driver. My initial thoughts, walking out of the theater, were that I loved the first half and didn’t love the second half as much. I still feel that way, more or less. I thought the film stalled a bit after the second heist, but not because it slowed down. I actually thought it lost some mojo because it didn’t slow down enough, or more specifically, because it didn’t slow down in the right places or the right ways.

But then I think back to Wright’s Hot Fuzz, and I remember having a similarly jumbled reaction the first time I saw that movie. Subsequent viewings of Hot Fuzz have put it among my favorite movies of all time,

Great analysis. I think I was so amazed by the use of sound that I forgave any pacing issues.

Sweet list!

Hidden Figures was a really great movie. Remember that whole rant I went on about Logan having too much of a Hollywood theme and message to it.. Hidden Figures did something similar, but in a brilliant way.

The main characters act morally and above-board with (mostly) everything [probably because they had to because those times were not pleasant if they acted otherwise]. But the message of being a Good Person, regardless of how other people treat you, that is something I can get on-board with 100% of the time. There are inconsiderate people everywhere in the world, even today, but that doesn't give you an excuse to act at their level. No matter how someone else treats you, you need to take the high ground and not let them pull you down (with the exception of physical violence / threats). I'm still working on getting myself to follow this "code" more closely .. but it's something that I agree with. /steps_off_soapbox

I would put Guardians Vol 2 below Hidden Figures, but I can't argue with you - the movie was so much fun! I was honestly surprised about Ego's character .. but with a name like Ego, in a comic book movie, you should be able to set some expectations early-on about what to expect from the character's "character".

Either way, the soundtrack was great and the action / visual effects were exactly what I was hoping for! I knock it down a peg because of the "sappy" nature of certain parts. Can't Marvel / Hollywood just let characters be jerks and be happy about it? There's nothing wrong with it when it's done for comedic effect (most of the time). I get it.. good guys need to be at least a little good.. but you can tell a character's "character" through their actions -- spelling it out in words takes it too far IMO. Leave something for the imagination, Please!

  • I haven't seen Lego Batman, but I will soon (I think it's on Netflix??).
  • Baby Driver is on my list of To-Watch.
  • Thor Ragnarok is on my regret list of not seeing in Theaters ... so I'll be watching that ASAP! (this list keeps growing since my son was born ... but I don't regret spending ANY moments with my son!)
  • I'll have to check out Wonder one of these days. I'm sure my wife would enjoy it at least :)

Thanks for your post, as always!

Wonder is incredibly sappy... but in the best way. I'm not sure how the rest of the adult world feels about LEGO Batman but I was blown away with how much thought they put into all of the jokes. There were so many funny connections to other Batman projects. It might not be for everyone, but it was made for me lol.

Honestly, with these 5, it is just splitting hairs. I would watch them all repeatedly. I would just choose based on my mood at the time.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment.

Jumanji and Star Wars would make my list of faves.

I'm a fan of old classics over anything they're putting out today. It would be a treat to see Gone With the Wind launched on the big screen. It be interesting to see how much it would net. People might be surprised.

I can remember going to see Casablanca on the big screen. The house was packed.


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