Tomb Raider (2018) - Movie Review
There seems to be a glut of movies based on video games. Even Rampage is getting a movie, as far-fetched as that seems. One of the more successful attempts at turning a video game into a movie franchise was Tomb Raider. It shouldn't be surprising that a profitable franchise would get a reboot, but did we really need a new Lara Croft series? Even so, I was intrigued by Alicia Vikander in the lead role. She is an easy sell. I had to ask myself "can she carry a role defined by Angeline Jolie?" The short answer is "yes."
Lara Croft (Vikander) works as a bicycle delivery girl when she isn't in the gym training. She is the heir to the Croft fortune, left by her father Richard (Dominic West) when he disappeared seven years ago. She refuses to sign the documents to inherit her father's fortune because she hasn't come to terms with his death. When she finally relents, she is presented a 3D puzzle which she promptly solves. Inside is a clue that leads her on an adventure to discover what happened to her father.
The adventure take Croft to a remote island off the coast of Japan. After securing the reluctant aid of a Japanese fisherman (Daniel Wu), Lara sets off on an adventure that is more action than story. She meets the callous henchman of Trinity (Walton Goggins), inadvertently helping him to solve the puzzle he has been attempting to solve for seven years. The events set in motion a potentially irreversible curse that could destroy mankind. Lara must rely on her wits, and the aid of a trustworthy companion to stop Trinity. But this appears to only be the beginning of a far more complex web of deceit.
In terms of plot, I never have high expectations from a film based on a video game. Tomb Raider tries, although the plot is rather superficial, hackneyed and predictable. The name is a bit misleading, too, as the "tomb" in this film is almost an afterthought. While it is a central theme, it only serves as host to the climax of the film, with most of the soupy plot unraveling before we ever arrive at the tomb. That's not entirely bad, as I really can't imagine a worthwhile plot that spent more time, particularly since this is a reboot. That means we need some backstory to set things up. We get that in abundance, mostly in the form of flashbacks. Which is fine, that helps keep the pacing moving along. The film had solid pacing, so that was a bonus.
The biggest question for me was whether Alica Vikander could carry the lead of a franchise defined by Angeline Jolie. Yes, she can. And did. Vikander was more believable than Jolie. I wasn't thrilled with her shrieks at times, but athletically and through her performance, Vikander carried this film and barely broke a sweat. The story had some bits that were a bit over the top, stretching what we are willing to accept, but she sold it. Her breakout role for me was Ex Machina. I have been a fan ever since. Lara Croft could not have been better cast. Although I am open to suggestions. The closest I can think of is Gal Gadot, who was a solid wonder woman, but not even in the same league as Vikander in my opinion. Vikander put in the work for this role and it showed. Kudos. I didn't care for West as Lord Croft, he was just a place holder in my opinion. I liked Kristin Scott Thomas in her role as a caretaker whose motives appear to be questionable. I also liked Wu as Croft's newfound friend. Since this entire franchise hinges on the casting of Lara Croft, I have to say that the casting was excellent. Although imperfect, they nailed the lead role.
Tomb Raider has a one hour, 58 minute run time that felt much shorter. The pacing made this film move along nicely. It did linger a bit near the end, but not excessively. The film is rated PG-13 by the MPAA. The rating is based on violence. There are several deaths in this film along with some intense action sequences. The deaths vary from drowning to a graphic disease related death. That portion could create nightmares in smaller children, but the gore factor in this film, as a whole, is pretty mild. The PG-13 ratings seems smartly applied.
I enjoyed Tomb Raider. If it is apparent already, I loved Vikander in the role of Lara Croft. She is the main reason I went to see this film at the theater (that and the free admission using Moviepass). I wasn't expecting much from a reboot of a franchise based on a video game. Just the concept seems enough to lower expectations. In spite of a predictable plot and flat(ish) characters, I enjoyed this action-packed mindless romp. It wasn't heavy on puzzles, relying more on sheer action. Big action. The type of action that not any actress could sell. Vikander sells it. And I'm buying. 7.5/10.
The photos and trailer are property of GK Films/MGM.
Great review! I wasn't sure about her in the role because she looked so delicate, but not anymore. Boy did she put in the hours at the gym. I don't have time to go see it next week, but hopefully the week after that. I didn't play the rebooted game, but I loved the old once. I am also one of the few people who really liked the old movies as well. My hopes aren't too high, but I like the reviews this movie is getting.
Considering what it is, it was pretty good. Vikander really made it work.
I've seen the film twice and I was just making that Wonder Woman comparison on my second time watching it. I think you're completely right. The film is a solid summer treasure hunting action/adventure film released in March! I hope they get to make some sequels as there's a good foundation here and worth exploring!
It definitely looks like the sequels are coming.