8 Really Fucking Awesome Movies You Should Totally Watch If You Like Movies That I Like

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

In light of discovering @ezzy's super nifty posts on movies, I decided to whip up a list of my own.

Why? Because I fucking love movies! I watch one every couple of days minimum.

Like Ezzy's, this list would be easy to digest. I know some of you movie lovers out there really appreciate an in-depth review of a movie, but nah, this ain't one of them.

However! Do not despair. My movie recommendations aren't just brainless, popcorn flicks or blockbusters.

I go deep with my movies, but let me talk about them with you on a conversational level.


Also don't worry. There'll be no spoilers.

1) Phone Booth

Colin Farrell plays a publicist who's pretty much a pretentious douchebag. He's the kind of guy who wears a suit everywhere he goes.

He picks up a phone in a phone booth located in New York and what! A mysterious voice on the line tells him to obey him, or he will fuck him up with a sniper rifle.

Why I love it: The entire movie takes place in that phone booth. Lots of crazy, yet believable shit ensues. I am talking hookers, pimps, the police, news reporters and also Farrell's character's wife, all of whom come together for a story of self-sacrifice and redemption.

It sounds crazy, but yet realistically done.

2) Big Bad Wolves

An under-aged girl was found raped and murdered.

A cop and the father of the deceased girl suspect a school teacher to be the pedophile killer, and so they kidnap him and torture the shit out of him to get a confession.

Why I love it: This brilliant Israeli movie is dark as fuck, but in the dark comedic sense. 

Despite the crazy and violent atmosphere, they find a way to add comedy in it. The script is just brilliant.

Also, yes, there is a twist at the end.

But then... there's ALSO a mind blowing twist in the middle in which they already REVEALED the twist early.

But you gotta be super sharp to get it.

I wasn't. I only got it after reading the summary of it after. I was like WHAAT?!

3) District 9

Do you like aliens? I fucking love aliens.

District 9 is filled with'em, only you shouldn't expect space battles and lots of 'pew pew pew!' with laser guns.

The movie is about how aliens have landed on Earth. And they're annoying assholes.

Eventually, humans had enough and want to move them to concentration-like camps. The story follows our protagonist, basically an official trying to facilitate the move who got infected with alien goo. 

Things start to change and he then needs to pick a side.

Why I love this movie: Because there is NO 'pew pew pew' and space battles like all other alien movies!

We explore how two cultures collide. It's just pretty cool to see how possibly alien life can coexist with us! We also get to see how messed up humans can be.

4) Prisoner

Probably one of the best crime thrillers I've ever watched!

Two kids get kidnapped. 

We then see how Hugh Jackman's character, the father of one of the kids react and take action with his own hands.

We also see Jake Gyllenhaal's character, the detective in charge of the case deal with it all.

Why I love it: The movie explores the raw emotions everyone in the families and in the police force display due to a kidnap.

The development of the story is seamless too as it ties in nicely with said emotions, slowly revealing the clues to the kidnapping.

5) Disaster Artist

I just watched this gem like two weeks ago and I was pleasantly surprised!

Based on a true story of how the 'best worst movie', titled The Room was made, the show was a great mix of drama, comedy and exploring how artists work in the film industry.

Why I love it: It's about the movie business!

I personally love watching films or TV shows that go 'behind the scenes' of how the shows we watch are made.

The Franco brothers are also AMAZING in it. James Franco plays... well, an eccentric weirdo in it. And he nailed it.

Think about it, Disaster Artist is a brilliant film based on a shitty one. It's cool to see how it plays out.

6) This Is The End

The world is going to end.

Only good people were chosen to go to heaven. The rest would rot on the dying earth filled with demons.

'The rest' are all celebrities.

Why I love it: It's funny as hell.

The celebrities, including Seth Rogan, James Franco, Danny McBride and Jonah Hill all play themselves.

All of them are stuck together in a house and pretty much act like a bunch of overgrown adults as they do stupid shit to overcome the situation.

Sounds dumb? It is. But it's not too slapstick-y. I mean, if you want to see your favorite celebrities act like how you and your friends would, this movie is for you.

Also, besides the boneheads on the poster, there're a lot of cameos: Kevin Hart, Rihanna, Michael Cera, Emma Watson and many more.

7) Bad Teacher

Cameron Diaz, who I find to be super hot and charming plays a horrible, gold-digging teacher.

Justin Timberlake is also inside as dorky teacher who's kind of lame.

Why I love it: It's just really funny.

All the jokes are great and come together nicely. If you love the TV series, Modern Family, you'd love this.

Also, I remember watching this in cinema with a hot girl and she ended up not liking me. The movie made the date good though. Boom!

I ALSO recently watched this again on TV when I was on holiday in Chiang Mai. Despite being on holiday, I totally didn't mind watching it again in my hotel.

That's how good it is!

8) Treasure Planet

Ending off this list with a sweet ass, animated movie by Disney.

This to me was a major sleeper hit among the bigger ones out there at that time (Toy Story and such.)

A sci-fi take on Treasure Island, Treasure Planet is about a young, troubled youth, angsty and pissed off from the departure of his father as he goes on an adventure in space.

Yes, that's a pirate ship in space! 

They're off to find the legendary Treasure Planet, said to contain... treasure.

Why I love it: The movie actually really explores the development of a young boy's character as he goes through tons of shit.

He is guided by the villain... so is he the villain or not?! Did I mention that he's a cyborg too?!

There're cool effects, great animated action and a feel-good storyline to boot.

Also, the sound track is by Goo Goo Dolls!

That's all for now! Hope you like it! More to come if people want more :)


Oh man! Well done indeed! It's freaky how similar our tastes in movies are. District 9 is one of my all-time favourite movies. Though I can't say I've seen Big Bad Wolves. Will defo be checking it out... Again, great list, man. Keep up the awesome posts. :)

(p.s. I'll be covering The Disaster Artist tomorrow. Never seen it so looking forward to it even more now.)

Thanks man! I am very sure you'd love Disaster Artist. James Franco is really evolving as an actor. I actually liked him in 'Why Him?' a lot.

I enjoyed doing this list, but I think I'll break out into doing one movie per post now lol. This was long.

A few in there that I am familiar with. I especially loved District 9, which really surprised me. Some new ones for me to check out also. Thanks.

No prob! I really wish they did the purported sequel, District 10.

Fan theories for future plots mostly included the warriors of the alien race coming back for revenge. That'd be BADASS.

Lovely post...... You never disappoint with your awesome posts. Kudos

Some solid picks.

thanks man

If you're a big movie buff one movie that's one of my all time favorites and doesn't get much attention is True Romance with Christian Slater, Patricia Arquette, James Gandholphini, Brad Pitt, etc.

will check it out!

Nice list, I also like Shutter Island which I revisit often. Recently I even read an article with explanations about the film, read more here - This Is Barry, you can also find more information about your favorite films.

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