ADSactly Entertainment - Lessons From Movies #5

in #movies7 years ago (edited)

The Pursuit of Happyness

This movie illustrates the classic story of many people across the world, the husbands, the fathers that have a decent life, hustling to put food on the table whose lives get turned around overnight when they almost lose it all. Many people in that situation give up and have a turn for the worse, but this story is a bit different because Chris, the main character, manages to break out and change his life.

This is not just a movie, this is the real-life story of Chris Gardner, and just as he was able to succeed against all the odds, you can too.

Disclaimer: I have to note that these are my opinions, what I took from the movie, but I advise you to watch it yourself, maybe you will feel differently or pick up on something I missed.


Chris just spent all his life’s savings on a scanner that he now has to sell to hospitals but no one’s buying them because they are too expensive. He’s pitching to new people every day because he has to sell two of them to pay the minimum expenses for a month, but he barely manages to do his job.

You see, his first business is a complete failure, and he doesn’t even have enough money to live day to day sometimes, but after all, he can still dream about better days. Despite the fact that he’s broke and with no education, he’s applying to be a broker because he’s good with numbers, even if his wife is not supporting him.

Most people, after failing once, get too scared to even try something new again even if it looks like the perfect deal because someone may mock them, so they pick the safe opportunities, like jobs. Jobs are good, but you can’t attain wealth through them most of the times so you have to leave the baggage behind you, to forget about your past failures and move on with your life because you might not be that far away from that opportunity that will change your life.

Hard Work

Despite the fact that Chris had to face many challenges, like spending the night in jail, he was still able to impress the partners at the interview, and he got the internship. Even if he needed to provide for his family, even if he didn’t get paid for the internship and he always had to do favors for people instead of work, while he was still selling scanners and living in a motel with his son, Chris never gave up because he had a dream.

As part of the internship, there were many talented kids that he had to compete with, but the thing that made him stand out from the crowd was that Chris was working more than anyone else. He had to accomplish in six hours what the other people were doing in nine because after work he had to take care of his son. On weekends, he didn’t have time to watch TV or go out; he was selling scanners to put food on the table and studying for the internship exam at the same time.

He was working tirelessly every day even though the internship promised only one job out of twenty candidates, which made his chances considerably small, just because he had the dream to change his life and stop worrying about money, and he did it.

Rock Bottom

Life beat him down so hard that he remained without any money, anyone to help him out, not even a place to spend the night, he had to sleep with his kid in a bathroom stall, but he still didn’t give up on that internship.

Life will give you endless challenges, it will try to make you forget about your dreams and settle down for something more average, but no matter what, you cannot do that. You will want to quit many times because it is not going to be easy but if you stick to your vision and work on it every day and every weekend, without any breaks, you will finally get there.

Chris rose up from his rock bottom moment and accomplished his dream because he was persistent enough to keep on going.

Lessons Learned

This movie is not just about hard work and success, nor only about trial and error but a film about the pursuit of happiness and a better life. Chris had to struggle a lot to get to where he is right now; he didn’t do it just for the money but for the lifestyle, for happiness itself.

You have to find something that you love, a field in which you want to excel and never give up on it while working day in and day out, and one day, you might just accomplish your dreams. Nothing’s guaranteed in life, you may or may not win, but the least you can do is to try.

If he was able to go from homeless to a millionaire, while taking care of his kid, then you can accomplish your goals too. Push until you get to where you want and don’t let anyone or anything stop you, this is the biggest lesson I have learned from Chris Gardner.

Written by @GuyFawkes4-20

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love this movie, never give up on what you do in life, if your job don't give you productivity, reinvention of yourself is a must.

I saw that movie and for me the reality is never give up on your dreams and your opportunity will come knocking.
Keep on steemin'

As can be seen on the poster, the title of the movie is "The Pursuit of Happyness", with a Y, not happiness with an I.

If you don't mind, why is the 'happYness' spelt with a 'Y'? @vcelier.

My 0.01 cent opinion: "Y" = you, because no one else will come to help but yourself. Cavalry is not comming, everybody is busy on their own campaigns.

I may be wrong, but this is just my opinion. Perhaps the director and the script writer design that title like that to tickle our minds and let us think a moment why "Happyness" is spelled with a "Y" and not an "I"- just a wild guess.

I love the movie, it is my inspiration and motivation in life. This movie also uplift me when ever I am down with life struggles.

This is a really interesting way to look at it @clicker - I'm not sure exactly who said it but I've heard the term 'you cannot save anyone without first saving yourself ' - and it reminds me of this. Your true happyness can only come from you first. Agree as well - this is an amazing movie!

From Wikipedia:

The unusual spelling of the film's title comes from a mural that Gardner sees on the wall outside the daycare facility his son attends. He complains to the owner of the daycare that "happiness" is incorrectly spelt as "happyness" and needs to be changed.

@vcelier & @clicker, thanks for the help.

I'll go with the Y=You version.

Will smith is my favorite actor ...
With his film The Pursuit of Happiness, I'm shared, but I still hang.

For its good side, I would say that the film is touching, moving, and the actors are convincing.

Will Smith plays there with his real son in life, Jaden Smith, that dialogue and dubbing in French make very endearing. I'm reviewing my judgment of Will Smith, who tended to swell me deeply into his usual roles. This is another aspect of his acting skills.
The film gives a good lesson of courage, determination, dignity and love, and that is always good to take.
The film shows a much truer America than most Hollywood soups, an America with a lot of people left behind, by the side of the road. It shows the shear between its social strata, particularly painful for those who remain stuck between these layers, on one side giving the change to appear and not to sink, and the other suffering trying to survive.
For its bad sides, I would say that the film simplifies a little too the image of happiness by reducing it to money. (but it's a film based on a cash-based culture, it was to be expected).
The subject of the film has already been used to the rope, and I could not help but make the connection with the masterpiece of Roberto Benigni "Life is beautiful".

If the film had not been inspired by a true story, (if, if) It would not have taken much to make it even more effective. It may just be the end of the eternal "happy end" scenario, so far removed from the realities of life. But this story is inspired by a part of the life of Chris Gardner, a man who lived with his son as homeless, and who has rebounded to become multi-millionaire. (He makes an appearance at the end of the film)

I agree with you...
Great movie, great lessons, great inspiration.

He applied to 30 jobs when he was looking for work and was rejected from all of them, including a job at KFC where 24 people applied and they hired everyone but him. He wrote to Harvard for a total of 10 times and was knocked back every single time

Jack Ma, Founder of Alibaba (Billionaire ranked 23rd of richest people on earth)

To Sum up ; Persistence and Optimism are golden keys to success 😄

Theme in the core

Owww wond movie... thnx for sharing

Thanks for the update , indeed everything is all about hard work and patients.

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