Remember when movies were made just to be movies, and not to push political agendas? Do you remember when movies where meant to be fun, and not lessons? Do you remember when action movies had a semblance of depth and were not just reliant on CGI?
I do. And so does Eli Roth. Death Wish is a throwback to the good old days, the days of movies like Die Hard - just good solid action movies that took the time to build character and create interesting stories.
Remember when movies were made just to be movies, and not to push political agendas? Do you remember when movies where meant to be fun, and not lessons? Do you remember when action movies had a semblance of depth and were not just reliant on CGI?
I do. And so does Eli Roth. Death Wish is a throwback to the good old days, the days of movies like Die Hard - just good solid action movies that took the time to build character and create interesting stories.
good view ;)
Seems an awfully great movie. Would certainly watch rhis obe my examinations go well. Trailer and cover photo looks exciting.
Just waiting for the film buddy,thanks for the review.
Just waiting for this movies.
Thx for that review @oendertuerk i will see that movie tonight!
Please follow me, best regards @mrandreas