- Alien
Scene: Infirmary Scene
Ridley Scott did not draw stick figures here, and while he probably picked up some pretty slick storyboarding skills when he attended the Royal College of Art, it doesn’t mean you should throw in the towel or that you can’t achieve similar results from following his example.
- Pacific Rim
Not a lot of wide shots in these storyboards. Going from control room to outside takes careful planning. There is a distinct Japanese/Anime vibe.
Very cool how the negative space works as light in this storyboard. Check out the entire story board with the shot specs and play the storyboard in slideshow mode, take a look below:
- Jurassic Park
Scene: Raptor Attack Scene
The notes help lead you into each new shot. Multiple slides (or cells) for can be used for a single shot, especially if you plan to linger a bit.
- Star Wars: A New Hope
Scene: A Galaxy Far, Far Away
George Lucas did a storyboard for the title sequence. C3PO looks really different in these. Tougher. Lucas knew how he wanted that final shot.
- Transformers
Scene: Blackout’s Rampage
I quickly notice thoughtful sketches of the production design. See how the artists visualize destruction? Blocking of the confused soldiers is very interesting, along with being a really pretty story board example.
- Inception
Scene: Hallway Fight Scene
How would you draw a rotating room? The ceiling fan helps you stay oriented. See how the room is drawn the same across multiple slides?
- Raiders of the Lost Ark
Scene: The Opening of the Ark
How does the color help tell the story, or communicate goals? Great use of shading. Do you think this storyboard helped them light the scene?