FREE 1SBD - Mystery Movie Quote: "Amsterdam... I'm New York" - What's the Movie ?

in #movie7 years ago (edited)

The above statement is a movie quote. What's the Movie ?

FREE 1SBD To a random steemian who can


(Please reply with your answer. Prize awarded in five days on 02/21/18)


Full Quote / Scene:

Bill: You. Whatever your name is... what is your name?
Amsterdam: Amsterdam, sir.
Bill: Amsterdam... I'm New York... don't you never come in here empty handed again, you gotta pay for the pleasure of my company.

This should be an easy quote contest, but I will give a couple of bonus quotes also from the same movie:

Bonus Quote / Scene #1:

Jenny: [after running into Johnny] Look where you are going, Johnny!
[notices Amsterdam]

Jenny: You look stunned and poorly, sir.
[both of the men are silent and nervous]

Jenny: [sarcastic] Quite a pair of conversationists, aren't you.

Amsterdam: Maybe not. We're deep thinkers.

Jenny: [chuckles] Well then. Gentlemen, I leave you in the grace and favour of the Lord.
[walks off]

LeaveYouGK copy.jpg

Bonus Quote / Scene #2:

Amsterdam: I've been called a lot of things, mister... but I've never been called...?

McGloin: Fiddeling bends.

Amsterdam: Fiddeling bends. Right. If I knew what in the hell that meant... I might be inclined to take offense.

FiddlinBendsGK copy.jpg

FREE 1SBD To a random steemian who can


(Please reply with your answer. Prize awarded in five days on 02/21/18)
If you want to keep the Mystery Movie Info a mystery, send the Mystery Movie Info to @goldkey on steemit.CHAT

There are FIVE ( 5 ) days to enter.



The Pics Are Hints!


###Let's have a little fun with this:

- Comment on favorite actor/character!

- Add another quote from the movie

FREE 1SBD To a random steemian who can Identify the Movie, Just the Movie Name !!!

(Please reply with your answer. Prize awarded in five days on 02/21/18)


Identify the movie? Gangs of New York (2002)

WINNER: @theb3ar - Congrats!

Winner 1SBD to @theb3ar from @goldkey for Gangs of New York (2002) !!!

•by @goldkey



WINNER: @theb3ar - Congrats!

Winner 1SBD to @theb3ar from @goldkey for Gangs of New York (2002) !!!


Thank you so much bro. I appreciate you sir!✌🏻

Has to be Gangs of New York! A favorite quote "When you kill a king, you don't stab him in the dark. You kill him where the entire court can watch him die." Amsterdam Vallon

YES - One of my favorite lines too... You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "Oranges, delicious. What a peach! You should put her on the stage."
    [another quote]

ok just the thumbnail im going off of, i did not read the post but i think i got a grasp on your contests so im just going to give what i consider the most epic quote of the long as fucking hell but awesome movie.

The blood stays on the blade

cheers and gl to everyone!

ABSOLUTELY EPIC QUOTE! YES! That is another of my favorite quotes.
You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • " . . . One day you'll understand."
    [another quote]

Oh of corse, its the same in one tbh.
you leave the blood on the blade to remember, you dont want to get to the numbers like the butcher where you only remember one person. although the one he remembered was the preacher (super badass) lol

That is a very good explanation. I didn't realize that much from the quote. Thanks.

Just my take on it.

OMG!!! Gangs ofNew York is and amazing movie!!!

Here's the thing. I don't give a tuppenny fuck about your moral conundrum, you meat-headed shit-sack. That's more or less the thing. And I want you to go out there... You, nobody else. None of your little minions. I want you to go out there. And I want you to punish the person who's responsible for murdering this poor little rabbit. Is that understood? The butcher.

You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "Our name is called "The Dead Rabbits" to remind all of our suffering, and as a call to those who suffer still to join our ranks. However far they may have strayed from our common home across the sea. For with great numbers must come great strength in the salvation of our people."
    [another quote]

The moment of acquaintance ahaha. Gangs of New York of course ;)

You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "I ain't started working yet."
    [another quote]

''And I rose back up again with a full heart... and buried him in his own blood.'' :D

@goldkey - Gangs of New York my friend! Daniel Day Lewis of course gives a masterful performance as Bill "The Butcher" Cutting. Here's some more from Bill:

Bill: "Everything you see belongs to me, to one degree or another. The beggars and newsboys and quick thieves here in Paradise, the sailor dives and gin mills and blind tigers on the waterfront, the anglers and amusers, the she-hes and the Chinks. Everybody owes, everybody pays. Because that's how you stand up against the rising of the tide. " Gangs of New York - 2002


You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "We hold in our hearts the memory of our fallen brothers whose blood stains the very streets we walk today. Also on this night we pay tribute to the leader of our enemies, an honorable man, who crossed over bravely, fighting for what he believed in. To defeat my enemy, I extinguish his life, and consume him as I consume these flames. In honor of Priest Vallon."
    [another quote]

Who doesn't love Mr Scorsese ;). Gangs of New Yoooork :D

You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "A real native is someone who is willing to die fighting for his country. There's nothing more to it."
    [another quote]

Thank you, but, I know you, OP; You are neither cold nor hot. So because you are lukewarm, I will spew you out of my mouth. Ahahaaha

Gangs of new york!!
When you kill a king you dont stab him in back. You kill where the entire court can watch him die

You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "You're a good one for the fighting, Bill. But you can't fight forever."
    [another quote]

Yeppeeyyy im in !!!!! Thank you so much

I saw someone already wrote the dialogue here is another one

You see this knife? I'm gonna teach you to speak English with this *** knife! - Bill

"They don't speak English in New York any more?" - Boss Tweed:

Gangs of New York.... Bill the Butcher says that to the son of the Slain Preacher and Leader of the Dead Rabbits. Awesome Movie. Daniel Day Lewis played Bill the Butcher, He was sooo good in the role. Very Memorable Performance.

"Oops a Daisy"

You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "He was the only man I ever killed worth remembering."
    [another quote]

The movie for the quote 'Amsterdam.. I'm New York'' is: Gangs of New York :)

You're IN! Thank You for your entry! Good Luck!

  • "This man is trying to draw me into an argument!"
    [another quote]

Thanks for the upvote. Now, everybody owes, everybody pays, because thats how you beat the rising of the tides. :P

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