Quite even there ' it is perfect, but the peli'cula with a black tonality shows us an absurdity of the percepcio'n, of co'mo they strike the regi'menes poli'ticos, without it means really a change for a nacio'n, and of co'mo the means of comunicacio'n are manipulated to give the impresio'n of a government always efficiently, the male'ficos were and they continue being the previous ones, and where the oposicio'n always sera ' "terrorist". Taking literally of Wikipedia the following fragment: " This one ' stocks on several incidents histo'ricos in which the leaders tira'nicos were demolished by new li'deres that then tried to be so bad, or even worse, that his immediate predecessors. During the film there are visualized scenes that they send, of form impli'cita, to such cases ". The ti'tulo was taken of the saying " In the land of the blind persons, the injury is a king ". I invite them to seek for her and to see her, any seemed one with my Venezuela is a pure coincidence. Salie'ndonos of the magic of the se'ptimo art and the celluloid, at the end of 2014 and initiating 2015, I invite them to see our peli'cula of disenchantment, already not with the same protagonist, this time the Revolutionary is Nicola's Maduro, the blind persons we continue being the same.
The Government is the one that allows these vulnerabilities, so much in the excessive abuse in the increase of prices on the part of merchants, businessmen and even with the informal "hawkers", as the shortage of supplies campante and inclement, that it subdues and eats away, especially in the popular sectors and of fewer resources forgotten by the National Government, for the Venezuelan has become untenable and a constant fight to be supplied. Today we obtain enormous tails in the supplies, the prices of the products do not believe themselves and the matter seems to be impossible to be solved, while the government insists that the fact treats itself about a " war econo'mica " him endilga to the smuggling, to the bachaqueo. It is the government with his weakness and lack of control the one that it is allowed, that these distortions should happen and feno'menos. In August, 2014, when I announce ' to a new Superintendent of Just Prices - definicio'n su'per infamously - the young person Andre's Eloy Me'ndez, even blind and lazy to go hipno'ticamente for the percepcio'n of the speech, we think that podi'a the miracle happens, it turns out evident today, that they turned us to engan~ar, us engan~aron ofrecie'ndonos the Happy Christmas of all the an~os, but the truth is that a lot of this noble time ago I populate does not have a Happy Christmas. And it is that it belongs to idiots to think that an alone organism as the SUNDECOP, taken by the improvisacio'n and boisterous mechanisms could control the feno'meno.
I invite them to see as business and nearby well trades, or inside the polygonal ones of the center of Caracas where there work all the centers and institutions of the State and of the Executive, they do not respect for anything the mandates of the Government with regard to the just prices, the merchants mock and joke of all, of the people and of the authorities, but worse au'n of the Government, of a Government lacking in seriousness, responsibility and Authority, recently observe ' as controlling in the Center of Caracas, they were closing a zapateri'a and they forced to selling to just price but at the head of the same one two were zapateri'as with the prices au'n ma's exorbitant that to which the measure, a total incongruity were applying at which already we are not surprised the Venezuelans, adema's of the sauciness of a few lying measures that they move away of the problem solving ourselves. The problem of the especulacio'n, the supply and the food distribucio'n is a general evil, for example in Catia, supposition bastio'n of the Chavismo and the Revolucio'n is outrageous to see as informal sellers or hawkers have the avenues taken Washington, Argentina, the meter of Propatria and the whole zone, selling products of the basket ba'sica to extraodinary prices, jabo'n, coffee ', azu'car, have everything, from deodorant up to products of the same Mercal, which it is a program of the government.
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