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RE: Avengers Endgame is a worthy end of the Infinity Saga #3
I don't know... I was a little bit disappointed. I really throught that Iron Man would have had to sacrifice his daughter for the snap to be reversed. That was the thing that he held most dear and the thing that would make him balk, he said it to Captain America when he said that he would only commit if none of what he had changed.
Then I thought that he would have balked, and Captain America would have had to betray Iron Man for the greater good.
So, iron Man dying... Tragic for fans, but not tragic for Iron Man...
Tragic but i think it was logical that he dies. That Tony has seen his daughter, has seen her grown up, give her something from himself and Pepper's wish of a family, all that was what he wanted. For me, it was clear that the Snap of Tony should bring everyone back without the 5 years disappearing. But I wanted to come to this in a later part.