Momment that is always waitting in Ramadhan Kareem is Iftar....yup...thete are many temptations actually just seeing a glass of water felt like wanna drink it...anyway it all just a temptations weather i can controlled my self desire or not.
But once be passed automatically will saying thankfully cz Ramadhan Kareem will back again in next year so must keep them.
When iftar came those a glass of water who seduced me to cancel my fasting now just nothing those desire gone..... ;)
Wisdom from fasting one of them is to make stomach fresh again, just like a car machine also need to be check and recheck to keep o.k plus all of human being source of disease is stomach.
So fasting will make our body keep health cz for almost 11 months always working to process all dishes that came into stomach.
Fasting also give the lesson that we must sensitive to other or another who is not lucky yet, they who have no dishes cz have no job by giving them something that usefull such as money cz they who fasting will learn how suffer when have nothing to fill stomach.
By having this sensitive sense actually will help Country cz no criminal which born from basic needed of humaan being, social problems cn be solved ;)