The linking
This is some pic of my beautiful soul that shot dead by true nature of imposture, agressor and terrorist :
I could not attached the pic using this media social idk why....but as some issues had be known well by all peopleskind that Mostly every Media are belong to agressor that is why so easy to make the Reverse Narration in order to drag away from all human being mind that agressor is correct which in fact and law are not correct absolutely.
Hopefully steem is not part of agressor and not blocking me cz what i posted is about my heart expression ( freedom of expression ) which represent the falling of humanism and let the values of violent and brutallity be consumed by young peoples and under 18 around the globe which will stay in theirs consciousness and will end by producing others and anothers actors of serial murder killer.
Something that is not have a good prospect for all human being kind, anywhere and everywhere.