in #motu7 years ago



Prince Keldor was second in line to the throne of Eternia during the second millennium of Grayskull. Only his half-brother Randor stood before him in the hierarchical line of this monarchist republic - the preferred form of government for this barbaric, multi-raced civilization standing upon an ancient and arid, war-torn planet.

An accomplished swordsman and dragon rider by the age of 15, Keldor was also a revered scholar. His studies including Eternian diplomacy, geology, and economics. At age 22 he publish his critically acclaimed manifesto, THE RETURN TO ETERNIAN SILVER - THE SOUND MONETARY SYSTEM, which continues to be incorporated into the Eternian elementary school curriculum to this very day.

Considered ruggedly handsome, sophisticated and debonair, his bluish complexion was known to drive the Eternian women wild.

At 27 Keldor began a romantic relationship with a sorceress named Evelyn (pron. Evil-Lyn) Morgan Powers

Being a half-blood descendant of the race of Gar, Keldor was endowed with natural abilities in sorcery and magic - which made him a perfect partner for the ambitious Evelyn. Together they forged, honed and refined their powers. All the while Keldor's thirst for power grew.

At aged 30 Keldor disappeared. Randor searched for his brother for many years, it was eventually presumed that he had died. This could have not been further from the truth.

In his hunt for power, Keldor had opened a portal between planet Eternia and sister planet Etheria. For a decade Keldor trained under Etheria's supreme sorcerer and benevolent dictator Hordac.

Hordac - ruler of Eternia (2nd Millennium)
Infamous proclamation - 'we have ICBM's and we aren't afraid to use them.'

Upon satisfactory completion of his off-world sorcery training, Keldor returned to Eternia with but one mission - to rule Eternia, then the Universe!

Gathering his beast army, Keldor besieged the Eternian Capital. However Keldor had grossly underestimated the now Captain Randor's military prowess and battle tactics - the defensive was brutal.

Keldor being outflanked by the Eternan Guard, lead a direct assault on Randor in the city hold. As a swordsman Keldor was no match for his brother and was disarmed quickly. In desperation Keldor flung a vial of magically enhanced acid at his foe. Randor however was well prepared for this callous attack and raised his shield in defense. The vial deflected off the shield and back into the face of Keldor - in pain and agony he fled. The battle was lost.

Keldor, now on the brink of death, called upon the magic of Hordac to save him.

Hordac granted his assistance - but this help came at a price. For Keldor was no more. In his place was...


Skeletor, now twisted, generally evil and full of quick & witty insults, continued Keldor's mission for Universal Domination for centuries. Only the magic of Castle Grayskull, He-man and his friends stood in Skeletor's way - and as far as we know Skeletor was never able to defeat them.

Until just recently Skeletor was considered 'MISSING IN ACTION'. That was until the citizens of Steemit received this warning from He-Man.


TEAM AUSTRALIA has just received a 'GENERAL RED ALERT' from He-Man at Castle Grayskull.

"The 80's Villians have united and are headed for Steemit - RUN NOW, BE IT'S TOO LATE!"

End Transmission.

The Secretary




It always bothered me how little people cared for Langella's performance in this movie. He's taking some extremely unreadable dialogue and rendering it into first-class movie villain gold. That fluctuating emphasis from quiet to loud to ecstatic is just marvelous, and he DOESN'T. STUMBLE. ONCE. I can't adequately describe just how difficult it is to play that without careening into camp.

His rendition of Skeletor is a criminally underrated stroke of creative brilliance, and I'm glad that all these years later, he still considers the role one of his best and favorites. He really has everything to be proud of with what he did for the character.

We at Community News reckon it is time we got the movie out and watched it again - great comment kouba01.

Oh fuck yeah!!!!
It's on buddy, do I need to use a MOTU character or can I pick any 80's cartoon hero? Either way an alter ego of Lord Percy plans to shag his way to victory. 😂
You are a legend SirKnight
Onwards to victory!

Anxiously waiting for a response to this.

Things are hotting up! The army is assembling one by one.... Sister planet of Etheria? That's quite a cryptic name😂😂

That's where She-Ra is from.

Ah yes, my memories are slowly returning.... I better do some reading up😁

I only know cos I watched 6 episodes of She-Ra today to get inspired for my post.

It's still awesome.

This post received a 15% vote by @mrsquiggle courtesy of @choogirl from the Minnow Support Project ( @minnowsupport ). Join us in Discord.

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i liked it its nyc and i upvote you
follow me at @zazaibot i will follow you back upvote me restreem my posts i will do yours to become both rich :D

Nice, will be soon now, I'll keep rallying the troops for the quest ahead!

ChooXena: Vegan Warrior Princess is done getting laid, has transformed into She-Ra Princess of Power (aka twin sister of He-Man) and is ready to go!

brilliant as always mate. I love your writing style.

Awesome! Let the battle begin!!

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