My Motorcycle club 💯
I joined a MC “motorcycle club” named Tigers MC.
We are in a small city next to Amsterdam and we ride with our friends and brothers.
This year i try to safe some money to buy myself a nice motorcycle. My dream Bike is a Harley Davids but for now i ride my old ass Suzuki 😂.
Here is my Bike.. its Only 650cc but it my first Bike so i think its fine..
I am proud to wear my Tigers Mc vest.. in the MC i am the sgt at arms...
A few weeks ago we went with the brothers of bandidos mc to Germany for a meeting. We had a nice ride and had a very good time..
Nice looking bike. How fast can it go?
I took it over 200km p/h but that wasnt full trotle..
Wow! I hit 110 or 177 KPH before in a car. Yeah I probably would have stopped at 200. You couldn't go that fast in my state ever because you would die because our roads are not that great. lol
Yes there is this tunnel on the high way close to my house its an easy spot to go fast... i love to break the rules once a while..