Dear Motorcycle Riders, I Hate You.

in #motorcycle8 years ago (edited)

PLEASE do us all a favor and purchase a car.  

On our way to town this morning we had the "pleasure" of following a couple of you out enjoying the day on your motorcycles.  The road was windy and wet with lot's of traffic, but that didn't stop you from weaving through the traffic and playing other motorcycle games.  I felt myself growing tense with anger regarding your recklessness and the fear you were going to dump that piece of metal and I was going to have to use evasive measures to miss your broken body on the pavement as well as go through the trauma of attempting to render aid.  

I know this is completely unreasonable, but I am going to have my rant anyway!  

You choose to ride that wimpy, unprotected vehicle, while I choose to surround myself with medal and airbags.  You wanted your pink fleshy body out in the open while it is hurling at 60 mph, among other vehicles that weigh much more, and provide their drivers with all sorts of safety equipment.  

YOUR Choice, and I only wish I didn't have to watch it.  Your odds of being involved in an accident are higher, because your vehicle is harder to see.  Your odds of being critically injured in that accident are also much higher.   So, Just No, don't post shit on Facebook asking me to "pay attention" because you made that decision.  Of course I pay attention, I never want to hurt anyone in an accident.  I look over my shoulder before I change lanes, but to error is human and we all know accidents happen each and every day.

I feel rage when I see these little signs.  YOU save a life, BUY A CAR MADE OF MEDAL and Safety Equipment.  People make driving mistakes.

In modern times, I can't let my dog ride in the back of my truck, but it is okay for you to drive your motorcycle through semi-trucks and speeding cars, because you like to feel wind..  (and bugs) on your face?  I am not going to take more responsibility for your life than you do.  All motorcycles should be banned immediately, because I have uncomfortable feelings when I watch you ride.  

As I stated, I know my feelings on Motorcycle riders are unreasonable and unfair, and I don't really want to ban them.  I do get annoyed and restless watching them.  My family history includes two separate and life changing motorcycle accidents.  While I know I am unreasonable it IS the feeling state I get in when I have to follow motorcycle riders.

Do you ever have unreasonable reactions to things?  What "triggers" you?

This rant was meant to inspire conversation and I have no real desire to outlaw bikes.  :)


"All motorcycles should be banned immediately, because I have uncomfortable feelings when I watch you ride"

That really is how things work these days isn't it? :)

You might like my recent post:

Hee! I checked it out, I even gave you a vote. (Although, I doubt I would normally vote on that. ;) I appreciated the alternative view.

Much appreciated, I knew I could pull you over to the dark side

I drove a tractor trailer rig for a quarter century.
I feel the same way about cars...

Awesome response. I lol'd

I'm dead serious...idiots the lot.
at least motorcyclists will most likely only kill themselves.
auto drivers kill 30K a year, maim 250K
almost EVERY SINGLE WRECK is due to driver error.

My brother in law drove big rigs for a while, and he had bad things to say about Volvo drivers. ;-)


You nailed it. I just feel that way about anybody who just can't seem to drive. Bike,car, boat whatever.

I completely understand what motivated your rant! In my area, there are these clowns that dress up like they are in the Tour de France and DEMAND space on the road during rush-hour. RUSH-HOUR!?!? I would be unmoved by news of their demise.

That would have been me before I took up motocross racing :)

How does it work out demanding peace?

At least they close down the roads for races, but it's when you get them training and a group of them are pushing right by the car and then stop in a line in front of you then block all the cars from passing when it's Green and slowly ride that is annoying.
Or you get the loan ones in the country side on 100kms roads riding in the middle of the road wobbling at 20kms that is danger-est.
But that is only a few.

One thing I would never have done, even when I was stark raving mad, was ride on a road anywhere near Auckland! (on a bike, a motorbike, or anything smaller than a truck really)

Haha but the most accidents seem to happen in Auckland while your parked.
Someone wrote off my car last year while it was parked in a car park and found out that car park is like the prang central.
Certain area's of Auckland are worst for driving in, but doesn't help when cows fall of trucks on the motor way! Ok only happened once but the trucks hit the bridges a few times.


So true. Thoughtful and sincere. What's even worse are those unicycle bandits. Yikes!!! I also love the stock image cut and past in posts, so tired of people original photos. Smartphones have ruined it for us google image search junkies. I look forward to owning a car again as long as I can text and read the paper and fidget with the radio and sip coffee and eat jelly beans and burgers while driving at the same time. Beep beep much love. Drive safe be blessed. ;)

:) unicycle bandits. lol.

Not to be too serious, but this post was so my style. LOVE!!!!

jacobts jAcΩb tweeted @ 14 May 2017 - 23:08 UTC

A Letter to Motorcyles
on @steemit #steem #beepbeep… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

Love hearing the sound of them passing when I'm not driving, but on the motorway at 100km when they decide to join your lane also and then squeeze between two trucks that is scary to watch.
But they love blaming the car drivers, Truck drivers are no better either.
Well probably Auckland drivers are no better.

Place I come from? Most prefer bikes over cars (I know I do) as the traffic situation is worse. Sure, car has its safety... but do we have any stats to prove cars are less accident-prone than bikes? Just curious!

My family history includes two separate and life changing motorcycle accidents.

Sorry to hear that.

PS: We call motorcycle as bikes here!

Yes, as I said. I know I am unreasonable, but yes, motorcycles are involved in accidents more often and the accidents do lead to greater injuries.

I know you were ranting. :)

It's true bikers go crazy on the roads too!

I really wish for a world with no vehicles. Everyone should simply fly.

Life would be much easier!

Hi @whatsup, I love bikes, but more the classic one, I also wrote a few posts on bikes in the past.
Classic Bike Run

Hey @rynow :) looks like we are on opposite sides of this one. :)

I mus say I also don't like reckless riding and riders that ride aggressively. (Some people think they own the road and that goes for both car drivers and motorbike riders.)

Irresponsible riders give us all a bad name. I don't have the fact sheet handy, but they say majority of accidents involving bikes and cars put the person in the car to blame. One simple lane change without signalling is enough to cause serious injury to a motorcyclist... and more people do that in a day than people driving recklessly on a motorcycle.

As you can tell, there is a lightheartedness to my hateful post. :) The fact you choose to ride it, knowing how often people change lanes without signaling is still on YOU.

Survived this long. And don't worry, I get the humor here.

Truth is, majority of us out there on two wheels treat every car like it's about to do something incredibly stupid. That's the only way to stay safe.

Riding a motorcycle is better for the environment.

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