RE: Sports bike or not + two never-before-seen photos! [Viewer discretion advised] 😂
What a machine. Funny line, concerning the naked lady on your wife's helmet.
I have never owned a bike, but the thrill of sitting on that much power must get your heart pumping. Living on a farm the bikes we own are all of the 4 wheel version, and boy do we put them to work. Just a couple of months ago I bought @farm-mom a new one. She had no idea I was purchasing one.
Quick funny story. She was in the house when I pulled it out of hiding and parked it on the front lawn. When I told her that I wanted her to come out side, that I had a present for her, her exact words were, " I hope it was expensive".
That is so out of character for her as she is very frugal.
When she saw the new quad she was shocked.
The bike in the top picture my 700 Yamaha Grizzly, a little more power then she needs.
Her bike is the 450 Yamaha kodiak.
Being that we live in the middle of nowhere and most of the roads look like this,
the quads are perfect for us.
When you go for your test ride, stay safe @galenkp
Haha, yeah I like to be a little cheeky in my blogs, hence the line you refer to. Shows character and a little of my true nature.
So, quads...I only ever rode one...Almost tipped it over. Seems like you live quite remotely so a quad is a great gift for your wife. "Hope it was expensive"...Didn't expect that huh? 😳 We went to New Zealand a few weeks back for a holiday...They had a quad tour thing in the forest...I was keen as, but didn't get the chance. Next time though.
Thanks for your pics and taking the time to write back.
I'll be careful tomorrow...I'm a pretty sensible guy really, despite what I write about. 🙂
As my bride of 45 years Always says when there is the least bit of danger with any activity, be safe and wear your helmet. The wear your helmet advise is just a blanket statement that she uses to let us know how much she loves us and that safety is paramount on her mind. Having three boys, and a girl that is probably more adventurous then her brothers, wearing a helmet is great advice.
Our daughter is 29 now and back when she was only 17, we took a short weekend excursion to visit some friends. Before going we told them to stay safe and be careful. When we got home we asked how their weekend went. When Erica told us that her and her brother had gone skydiving over the weekend, I thought farm-mom was going to drop dead right there. Our daughter's reply was, " at least I wore a helmet.
She told her mother that it was not too dangerous, as this being her first time she jumped in tandem with an instructor. The girl has been jumping out of perfectly good airplanes ever since.
Seems like you raised some sensible kids. The old wear a helmet ethos has worked...Although I'm not sure about jumping out of planes unless they're on fire or you're James Bond! Not my idea of fun although it must be exhilarating. Not sure what a helmet would do if things went badly...😉
Common sense, ownership and responsibility need to be applied equally and in good measure in all things.
Got you on that helmet thing being of little help. Thanks for the compliment @galenkp with how we raised our kids. Not that putting the time in that is necessary, if you expect your children to grow up to be moral, and productive citizens, is a guarantee, it sure does give them a better chance. There are so many temptations out there these days, that were not around back in the day , staying on the right track will always be a challenge regardless of a parent's involvement @galenkp
I'm not a parent but often comment to my wife, who is also not a parent, on how hard it must be. We also make many observations of parents probably not being as proactive as they can. We try to reserve judgement as we aren't parents, but sometimes it's unavoidable.
On the flip-side we some some excellent parenting and know that there are some amazing role-model-parents out there.