RE: Sports bike or not + two never-before-seen photos! [Viewer discretion advised] 😂
Hey, @galenkp.
I wish you well with this. I know three people who have had some pretty bad accidents, and none of them were on a sport bike per se, or going very fast. As you astutely point out, it doesn't take much. That in and of itself, I think, realizing the dangers, is what will make it safer. Knowing how to ride, and a healthy appreciation for one's own mortality is helpful, too.
As you note in the comments, there are a lot of crazies. And some of them ride bikes.
Unfortunately, I think I fell into the crazy category a day or so ago. I don't know if it's because I'm used to seeing to headlights or the width or what. I pulled out in front of one unintentionally because I didn't recognize they were there until I was already into the turn.
Maybe it's a good thing I'm not in Australia.
So, anyway. Do what you got to do. Just stay safe. :)
I've had a few near-misses and was run off the road on one occasion - Hit the armco railing but kept the bike up. Yep, $4,000 damage to the bike, hurt my ankle and my pride...I was lucky. That was on my TRX pictured.
You're right and to be honest I think tomorrow's ride may be a good litmus test as to whether I actually want one, or not. I got rid of my bikes as I was riding less and less due to the crazy bastards on the road so maybe I should channel my energy somewhere else...Like on a HOVERCRAFT! Lol...Nah, not really.
I get your point, and agree totally.
It's really too bad that we can't just get in things, go as fast as we want, and not have to worry about downsides. I'd probably have a pilot's license by now. :)
I could see myself pulling a few Gs. My luck, I'd probably not have the right stuff, which means I'm perfectly fine as is. :)
Maverick and Goose style!
(Please tell me you know the reference - Amazing how many people don't know of the Top Gun movie)
I don't even think I've seen the movie, but yes, I know the reference. Hard not to growing up in the 80s. Top Gun 2 will probably make more folks want to watch the original. :)
I don't know if I feel the need, the need for speed, but I do know I can't drive 55. :)
I'm looking forward to the new movie - Will probably be as bad as the first, but I'll watch it...I'm not known for my stoic resistance to jet fighters.