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RE: AMA Lucas Oil Motocross Round 3 Thunder Valley 2017 450 & 250 Videos HD
Is there a class for 350 or would I need to register in the 450 class? I'm thinking about entering the Parker 400 this winter. It will be my first race. I ride a 1992 Suzuki DR350S. I will just be happy not to crash or finish last!
Yeah the 350 would be with the 450s mate. Not sure if it would be better to enter into an evo class? Usually the Evo (old bike) class is open to all sizes. Good luck though mate :) let me know how you get on :)
Thanks , I'll check into the EVO class. I have read and been told that my 6th gear will keep me running among the bigger bikes with only 5 :-) ...I cant wait to find out.
good to see the old girl still in one piece and loved mate :) too many people just dump bikes after a few years!
Oh, she's my baby. I take good care of her. Just got new side plastic, clutch plates, cables. She kicks my ass sometimes, but I love her.... oh, kickstart only. No magic button for me!
Haha yeah i have lazymode on my Katie M :)
old fart like me needs it mid race if i come off haha..
post me up a pic mate would love to see.
I'm not sure how to post a pic in messages, but heres a link to a pic on the day I bought it. el/@gypsydanger I'm an old fart too...hahaha
nice one man shes a beaut! :)
here she is for everyone reading :)

Wow! Thanks, and thanks for posting the pic as well. Thats awesome!